Hoping for an amorous night with your other half? Scientists say you want to AVOID drinking wine

Hoping for an amorous night with your other half? Scientists say you want to AVOID drinking wine

Women hoping for an amorous night with their significant other may want to avoid a glass of wine first.

According to a scientific review, women who drink alcohol are 74 percent more likely to have problems in the bedroom that make sex less satisfying.

Researchers analyzed seven scientific studies on alcohol and sexual problems in women, involving a total of 50,225 women aged 18 to 79.

Based on all these studies, they conclude that women who consume alcohol are 74 percent more likely to experience ‘sexual dysfunction’ than women who do not consume alcohol.

Sexual dysfunction is defined as any problem that “may prevent a satisfying sexual experience.”

According to a scientific review, women who drink alcohol are 74 percent more likely to have problems in the bedroom that make sex less satisfying

Alcohol decreases women’s sensitivity to touch, the review concludes, so drinking a drink may lower their libido, make them less aroused during sex and make sexual experiences less intense.

The researchers, led by Gerash University of Medical Sciences in Iran, conclude: ‘Since healthy sexual function is essential for good quality of life, policy makers may consider using the results of this meta-analysis as a research priority to raise awareness among women to increase. about the adverse effects of alcohol on their sexual performance.

“This could reduce alcohol consumption and associated side effects, including sexual dysfunction.”

The effects of too much alcohol on men, who can experience erectile dysfunction or “brewer’s droop,” are well known.

But the charity Drinkaware, which is funded by the alcohol industry, warns that women may find it more difficult or less intense to have an orgasm after drinking alcohol.

The new review is believed to be the first to look at the relationship between alcohol and sexual problems in women.

It is believed that up to 40 percent of women suffer from sexual dysfunction, which can lead to stress and relationship problems.

The review includes a study conducted in Ghana on 301 women, which found that alcohol was significantly associated with sexual problems in women, while other factors, such as education, age, marital status, smoking and exercise, were not associated with sexual problems. issues.

The suggestion that drinking alcohol can affect women’s sex lives is consistent with previous evidence that a majority of women with alcohol dependence problems have low libido and difficulty reaching orgasm.

But the review’s authors say the effect on women’s sexual satisfaction is likely to be long-lasting, seen when women regularly drink alcohol, and that their findings don’t mean women will have disappointing sex every time they drink.


A screening tool commonly used by medical professionals is the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Tests). The 10-question test, developed in conjunction with the World Health Organization, is considered the gold standard for helping determine whether someone is abusing alcohol.

The test is reproduced here with permission from the WHO.

To complete it, answer each question and record the corresponding score.

1674144052 204 Britains alcohol drinking guidelines should be slashed to TWO bottles

1674144066 198 Britains alcohol drinking guidelines should be slashed to TWO bottles


0-7: You are within the limits of sensible drinking and have a low risk of alcohol-related problems.

More than 8: Indicate harmful or dangerous drinking.

8-15: Medium risk level. If you drink at your current level, you risk having problems with your health and life in general, such as work and relationships. Consider cutting down (see below for tips).

16-19: Higher risk of complications from alcohol. Cutting back on your own can be difficult at this level as you may be dependent, so you may need professional help from your GP and/or a counselor.

20 and older: Possible dependency. Your drinking is already causing problems and you could very well be dependent. You should definitely consider stopping gradually or at least drinking less. You should seek professional help to determine your dependency and the safest way to stop drinking.

Severe dependence may require medically assisted weaning or detox in a hospital or specialist clinic. This is due to the potential for severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms in the first 48 hours that require specialist treatment.