Home energy aid reaches new high as Congress mulls funding

Officials say the federal home energy assistance program served more than 7 million homes last fiscal year, an all-time high that coincides with a record number of utility customers in arrears.

WASHINGTON — Utility customers racked up record debt even as the federal home energy assistance program served more than 7 million homes, a record high last fiscal year, underscoring the need for more financing, the National Energy Assistance Directors Association said Tuesday.

Congress must act to provide additional funding to bring heating and cooling assistance to last year’s levels to avoid forcing states to cut 1.5 million families from the program, said Mark Wolfe, executive director from the group.

Last year, Congress approved another $2 billion, bringing total spending to $6.1 billion, but lawmakers have yet to add additional funding in the budget year that began in October, even as energy prices are higher than before the pandemic. temperatures fluctuate between extremes and more. people seeking help, Wolfe said.

For now, the funding is stuck in the appropriations process while Congress sorts out the details after reaching a deal to keep the government funded through March.

Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, vice chair of the Appropriations Committee, said Tuesday that she is committed to working with senators across the board “to include the highest level of funding possible” for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program.

The need for financing is reflected in the number of people who are behind on utility payments.

More than one in six households is behind on their energy bills, Wolfe says. That matches U.S. Census Bureau data showing that 17.3% of households have been unable to pay their energy bills at least once in the past 12 months, he said.

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