Hollyoaks SPOILER: Teen Frankie is set to reveal she was sexually abused by her twin brother in dark new storyline – throwing her family into turmoil

Hollyoaks has revealed a dark new storyline centering on sexual abuse between siblings, after Frankie shares she was attacked by her twin brother JJ.

The siblings joined the soap earlier this year when it was revealed that Darren Osbourne had fathered the children years earlier, following the sensational return of Suzanne Ashworth (Suzanne Hall).

Darren has been absent from Frankie and JJ’s lives and has only recently reconnected with them both since their arrival in the village earlier this year, when the twins moved in with wife Nancy (Jessica Fox) and their own children.

In recent episodes, viewers saw Frankie accuse her paternal grandfather, Jack Osborne (Jimmy McKenna), of touching her inappropriately.

The accusation came after the pair danced while reminiscing about Jack’s late wife, causing Frankie to recall moments of abuse she had previously suppressed.

Hollyoaks has revealed a dark new storyline centering on sexual abuse between siblings, after Frankie shares she was attacked by her twin brother JJ

It will be revealed on screen next week that the abuse Frankie suffered was at the hands of her twin brother JJ when they were both younger.

With JJ often referred to as the “golden boy” and Frankie the “problem child,” the storyline will delve into the couple’s family dynamics, and how the parents choose to investigate Frankie’s troubling behavior as she struggles to cope. dealing with the sexual abuse she has experienced.

Hollyoaks executive producer Hannah Cheers said: ‘Sexual abuse between siblings is an issue that needs urgent attention and recognition.

‘It is one of the most rarely disclosed forms of sexual abuse, but the statistics are startling.

“Hollyoaks is shining a light on this issue for the first time in a long-running soap storyline, as we need to start this conversation among our multi-generational audience.

“Our research, story, script and writing teams are committed to telling this story truthfully and passionately.

“A big thank you goes to SARSAS for their continued support in helping us take this up. The performances from our brilliant newcomers Isabelle Smith and Ryan Mulvey are breathtaking.

“I believe this story will have an impact for years to come and I’m proud that Hollyoaks is still breaking new ground almost forty years later. That’s what we’re here for.’

It will be revealed on screen that the abuse Frankie suffered was at the hands of her twin brother JJ when they were both younger, after the two characters joined the soap this year.

It will be revealed on screen that the abuse Frankie suffered was at the hands of her twin brother JJ when they were both younger, after the two characters joined the soap this year.

Channel 4 Commissioning Exec for Hollyoaks, Ben Wadey added: ‘Hollyoaks has broken ground in 2024, setting up bold new stories and introducing new characters and we’re immensely proud of the strength and quality of what’s set to unfold in the upcoming months.

“We will remain courageous, never shy away from important issues and tell stories that others would not dare.

“By shining a light on sexual abuse between siblings in this groundbreaking and carefully researched storyline, we hope to raise awareness, reduce stigma and represent unheard voices in a way that only Channel 4 can.”

Hollyoaks worked with the charity SARSAS, who advised on the storyline during the writing process and briefed the cast on their performances.

A spokesperson for the charity said: ‘It remains a hidden, chronically underestimated and untreated form of child sexual abuse.

‘It continues to be ignored, downplayed or denied by parents, professionals and authorities as harmless or non-threatening sexual experimentation in childhood that does not require attention.

‘This is despite the known lifelong effects of sexual violence and abuse on the health and happiness of survivors.’

Hollyoaks actors Ashley Taylor Dawson and Jessica Fox have dealt with heavyweight issue-based storylines in the past, with a recent storyline involving male depression seeing Darren contemplate suicide and Nancy losing her fiancé to suicide.

Hollyoaks streams online every weekday at 7.30pm on Channel 4. The episodes air on E4 the next day, before getting their YouTube premiere a week after.