The overlapping demands of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity are becoming increasingly important as the two become increasingly intertwined in healthcare in a number of interesting and challenging ways.
For example, AI is increasingly being deployed as a critical frontline tool for risk detection and incident response, while bad actors are also using machine learning and genAI techniques for increasingly creative and aggressive exploits – a double-edged sword that will only continue to be sharpened as both good and bad people continue to innovate the way they use AI.
AI and cybersecurity are two very different disciplines, but they have more and more in common. Moreover, the value of risk management is more important than ever for both disciplines.
The coming HIMSS Healthcare Cybersecurity Forum is scheduled for October 31 and November 1 in Washington, DC. The two days will feature sessions on topics such as cyber resilience for supply chains and post-merger and acquisition change management.
In one of the presentations, HIMSS Senior Principal For Cybersecurity And Privacy Lee Kim will give a talk on the intersection of information security and AI – specifically how the former can be applied to the latter to ensure safe and responsible use of algorithms in provider environments. We recently caught up with her to talk about this and more.
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Topics of conversation:
Cybersecurity and AI: How They Differ and What They Have in Common
How both are critical to patient safety
Applying a security mindset to AI effectiveness and data integrity
How AI is used, in attack and defense
The importance of transparency and explainability for AI applications
Possible future policies and regulations
Workplace challenges and how to tackle them
More about this episode:
How AI is transforming cybersecurity, both on defense and offense
Generative AI is this CISO’s ‘very enthusiastic intern’
Using GenAI to Learn About Cybersecurity and Help Protect Assets
Setting up successful AI projects requires digital health maturity
Atlantic Health System CIDO Offers Classes on AI in Cybersecurity
Risk management standards for AI ‘evolving rapidly’
CISA Leads Tabletop Exercise Targeting Hacked AI
NIST Updates Cybersecurity Framework with Version 2.0
The HIMSS Healthcare Cybersecurity Forum is scheduled for October 31-November 1 in Washington, DC More information and registration.