HIMSS24 Nursing Informatics Forum: How Can IT Help the Key Healthcare Workforce?

The HIMSS24 Nursing Informatics Forum is celebrating more than 25 years next week in Orlando, with an agenda that looks back on the past quarter century – and forward to a future where the nature of technology-enabled nursing promises no shortage of change.

Appropriately titled “Legacy and Innovation,” the Nursing Informatics Forum – co-hosted by Sean Michaels, DNP, of Orlando Health and Whende Carroll, RN, of HIMSS – the pre-conference forum will take place on Monday, March 11.

During the opening and closing remarks and six forum sessions in between, industry leaders will explore the dynamic field of nursing informatics amid rapid technological advancements and significant industry changes.

With a primary focus on addressing the global nurse shortage and associated burnout, the discussions emphasize creative and empowering solutions keynote opening speech taught by Kenrick Cato, professor of computer science at the University of Pennsylvania Medicine.

In his presentation, Cato will discuss the evolution of technological innovation in healthcare over the past five, ten and fifteen years, highlighting its impact on nursing capabilities and highlighting the central role of nursing informatics in ensuring nurse engagement in strategic decision-making regarding healthcare. technology.

Sessions throughout the forum will cover a variety of themes, including the role of nurses in shaping an innovative future in healthcare with AI, ethical considerations in integrating AI, insights into the adoption and integration of technology into nursing practice, and the influential role of nurse informaticists in inspiring change.

Following Cato’s opening address, three consecutive sessions will explore the impact of AI on nursing.

The first lecture, given by Tom Lawry, director of Second Century Tech, will be a overview of the most important AI conceptsincluding AI’s potential to drive innovation and ensure equitable healthcare solutions, and the intersection of nursing, informatics and AI shaping the future of healthcare.

The second, taught by Robbie Freeman, digital experience and director of nursing informatics at Mount Sinai Health System, will focus on the central role nurses will play. driving AI and digital innovation in healthcare and explore the ethical considerations of AI.

A third discussion focuses on ethical integration of AI in nursing and will be led by Olga Yakusheva, professor of nursing and public health at the University of Michigan, and Tracee Coleman, clinical informatics consultant at Optum Health. They will explain the strategy developed in collaboration with the Nursing Knowledge Big Data Science Initiative to harness the potential of AI while addressing ethical issues.

Critical integration strategies, key considerations and pitfalls, and the benefits and risks of AI in nursing will all be discussed, with a special focus on the importance of structure.

The forum culminates in a keynote closing speech from Connie Delaney, dean and professor at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing, who will focus on the collective call to action at the intersection of nursing and technology and assess the challenges and barriers that nurses and nurse informaticists face in taking on leadership roles in healthcare technology initiatives.

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