Hillary Clinton-backed Houston mayor candidate is caught berating staff in a vile explicit tirade where she blasted them for being ‘f*** ups’ with no brains

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee allegedly went on an explicit rant against members of her staff – a tirade that was reportedly captured on an audio recording currently in circulation.

The leaked clip, posted by far-right Texas blog Current Revolt, is unverified but purportedly shows the would-be mayor of Houston’s foul-mouthed response to an employee about an article about Ovide Duncantell.

Duncantell, who died in 2018 at the age of 82, was the founder of the Black Heritage Society and was deeply involved in the city’s politics throughout his life.

According to the blog, the staffer told Jackson Lee — who five days ago received support from Hillary Clinton in her quest to lead the Texas Democratic stronghold — that another staffer, “Jerome,” had the document, and that he would call him . about the.

That’s when the clip supposedly intervenes, claims Current Revolt, which reportedly shows the 73-year-old going after both. In it, a female voice, said to be the representative, calls out “Jerome” and the other employee for what she perceived as incompetence.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee reportedly went on an explicit rant against members of her staff — a tirade that was reportedly captured on an audio recording currently circulating on the Internet

Last week, however, Jackson Lee scored a major victory in her bid to become mayor of Texas’ most Democratic city, gaining the support of former First Lady Hillary Clinton in the form of a post with the ex-secretary of social media.

It begins, “I don’t want you to do any damn things. I want you to have a fucking brain. I want you to have read it. I want you to say, “Congresswoman, date so and so.”

“That’s what I want,” the recording continues. “That’s the kind of staff I want.”

At that point in the clip, the woman who is heard continues to utter profanities as she harshly explains to the staffer how she expects her employees to handle calendar events.

She also mentions the particular importance of Duncantell in particular, due to his enduring reputation in The Bayou City.

“So some other stupid bastard did it. And, and I don’t have the information,” she says, explaining how, instead of deflecting blame, she wanted to know from whoever collected the information when and where the event took place.

She then mocks the staffer by speaking from his perspective, saying, “No one sent me the information. I have to take care of the planning and you know, if Boo Boo did it, shita** did it, f*ckface did it.”

“And no one knows about it in my office!” Okay? Nothing!’ she then exclaims, before saying out loud to the staffer, “I gave it to you.”

It continues: “It was your job to get it on the calendar, to imprint it in your brain, or to send the information back to me saying, ‘Congresswoman, I made sure the Ovide Ducantell event you gave me for so-and-so gave’ date at seven o’clock is on the damn calendar. Not ‘Oh Jerome’s got it.’ Okay?

The 18-year-old congresswoman has been friends with the former first lady for several years. The pair are pictured together at an event commemorating Martin Luther King Jr. outside the Memphis hotel where he was assassinated in 2008.

According to the blog, the staffer told Jackson Lee — who five days ago received support from Hillary Clinton in her quest to lead the Texas Democratic stronghold — that another staffer, “Jerome,” had the document, and that he would call him . about the

She goes on to recount an alleged conversation with the so-called “Jerome,” who she said was “just sitting there like a fata** stupid idiot talking about what the fuck he doesn’t know” when she called. him with a similar question.

She then declares, “You’re both f*ck-ups (inaudible). It’s the worst sh*t I could have ever put together.”

At this point, the woman reportedly representing Texas’ 18th congressional district is still not done, calling her two associates “two damn big kids.”

“Fucking idiots (who) serve no fucking purpose,” she continues. ;I don’t manage anyone. Nobody respects them. No one cares what you do, and you don’t do anything. And this is an example of it. I gave it to Jerome.

‘This is not children’s work.’

The less than two-minute video has since set the internet ablaze and threatens to upend the New York native’s recently announced intentions to take on fellow Democrat Senator John Whitmire in November’s US mayoral election. to turn heads.

Jackson Lee took office in 1995, about 20 years after Whitmire began his ongoing stint in the Texas Legislature.

That’s when the clip supposedly intervenes, claims Current Revolt, which reportedly shows the 73-year-old going after both. In it, a female voice says she is representing “the staffer for what she perceived as incompetence.” She took office in 1995 and has not yet commented on the clip

At one point in the clip, a female voice, reportedly that of the congressman, says of a staffer and his absent colleague, “You’re both fuck-ups (inaudible). It’s the worst sh*t I could have ever put together.”

Just days ago, Clinton praised the mayoral candidate’s “relentless efforts in Congress” over the years, which she said proves “she has the experience and vision to lead Houston into the future.”

Both have dominated the spotlight — and the money — in the race to lead America’s fourth-largest city, where growth has created municipal headaches but also turned the area into a growing stronghold for Texas Democrats.

Both also face the challenge of tackling crime, crumbling infrastructure, budget deficits and a lack of affordable housing.

Last week, however, Jackson Lee scored a major victory in her bid to defeat the veteran congresswoman, gaining support from former First Lady Clinton in the form of a post with the ex-secretary of social media.

In it, the 75-year-old Clinton proudly proclaimed, “I proudly support and support my friend (Jackson Lee) to become the next mayor of Houston.”

In the post, the politician praised the mayoral candidate’s “relentless efforts in Congress” over the years, which she said proves that “she has the experience and vision to lead Houston into the future.”

“She has always been a fierce advocate for her constituents, and I have no doubt she will bring that same fire and dedication to her role as mayor,” Clinton also asserted.

She has yet to comment on the now-viral shot.

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