High levels of E coli found in Henley, days before international regatta

Harmful E.coli Very high levels of bacteria have been found in Henley, just days before top rowers competed in the international regatta there.

Tests of water quality in the Henley Mile, part of the regatta course outside the Oxfordshire city, have revealed an average level of 1.213. E.coli colony forming units (CFU) per 100 ml of water, divided over 27 tests. Where E.coli levels are above 900 CFU/100 ml is water quality is considered poor according to the bathing water designations and poses a threat to public health.

The highest reading recorded by River Action campaigners was 25,000 CFU/100ml, more than 27 times the acceptable limit for bathing water. The next highest reading was 8,001 CFU/100ml of water.

As a result of the tests, Henley Royal Regatta organisers are warning its 4,000 elite rowers to protect themselves from illness and infection from the water. Rowers are advised to cover cuts and avoid swallowing river spray.

As thousands of rowers prepare for the race at Henley from July 2-7, Sir Steve Redgrave, a former Olympic rower and chairman of the Henley Royal Regatta management committee, said the findings were a reminder of the effect sewage pollution was having on Britain’s rivers.

“Henley Royal Regatta supports River Action’s research, which highlights the vital work that needs to be done to improve the cleanliness of our waterways for all to enjoy,” Redgrave said. “Our rowers train every day throughout the country. Our waterways are vital for our racing competitions, but also for all those athletes who train across the country every day.”

But Thames Water said this was not the cause of the increase in bacteria and accused River Action of being alarmist. The company said it had conducted its own tests at two different sites in the river since May and that the results were “reassuring”.

It said its lab tests showed this, apart from two days in May and two in June E. coli Water levels were consistently at levels considered good for bathing.

E. coli and increases in intestinal enterococci for two days in May and two days in June were unrelated to the discharges, the company said. The company said industrial and road runoff and parasites from livestock and birds were to blame.

In a tense standoff between the company and campaigners, Dave Wallace, who carried out the River Action test in Henley, said Thames Water had taken the measurements in a different part of the river.

Wallace used a Fluidion World Health Organization verified E. coli analyzer – a portable microbiology laboratory – for its tests, and the work was supervised by the NGO Earth observationThe equipment delivers results within hours, unlike the delays associated with static laboratory testing.

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“We tested the river in an area with the highest recreational use on the Henley Mile, as well as on the regatta course,” Wallace said. “We also know that the outflow from the Henley sewage works impacts this area, so we were surprised that Thames Water had decided to test at the two locks, which are away from the regatta course, so low use and lower sewer impact.”

River Action testing on the Henley Mile at Fawley Meadows started on May 28 and will run until July 7. Between May 28 and June 25, 47% of measurements were above 900 CFU/100 ml.

James Wallace, the CEO of River Action, said: “It is shocking that we have had to issue health advice to competitors at the Henley Royal Regatta. Fortunately, the organizers are showing a duty of care to the rowers by providing guidance to help keep competitors safe. “

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