Hell's Kitchen had a secret contestant who was removed from the show

More than almost any other reality show from the mid-2000s, The kitchen of hell is regularly in the zeitgeist. Gordon Ramsay's highly entertaining British screams made the show a hit when it debuted in 2005, and keeps it popular to this day. But now that the series has been running for almost twenty years, there is also a wealth of lore behind the series, including an occasional mystery about a secret participant that is rediscovered.

The kitchen of hellThe team's third season, which aired in 2007, featured six men and six women on teams competing against each other during the main competition. Or at least, that's how it seemed when the season aired. As it turns out, there was a secret 13th contestant who started the season with the rest of the group, but was quietly removed and removed from the broadcast early in the proceedings.

One of the first discussions about the mystery seemed to surface about five years ago with a post from Only1ScrappyDoo on Redditbut since then people have tried to fix it several times, in places like the The kitchen of hell Fandom forumthe LostMedia wiki, YouTubeAnd X. The latest renewed interest in the controversy came Wednesday, when official The kitchen of hell Youtube Channel season 3 episode 1 uploadedcausing fans to notice the problem again.

The missing participant, JR, appears during certain parts of the season's opening episode.

Image: Fox via Polygoon

While it appears JR was featured in bits and pieces of the original broadcast of Season 3, Episode 1, the mystery gained particular momentum after Fox released a widescreen (16:9 aspect ratio) version of the episode following its initial run. The show originally aired in the narrower 4:3 ratio, omitting areas on the sides of the frame, which allowed the show to easily cut JR out of most of the show. In the 16:9 release, we can clearly see JR in the background of a few shots in episode 1, and later again during an elimination segment where we see his name tag (which is how fans learned his name was JR in the first place).

One of the things that makes this mystery so compelling, and one of the reasons it keeps popping up, is how little we know about it – despite the season taking place almost 17 years ago. It looks like JR was removed from the show because he spread rumors about his fellow contestant Joanna (apparently based on her deleted Facebook posts), and possibly for releasing spoilers about the show. But how any of these things would have gotten him kicked off the show before the second half of episode 1 is unclear.

We may never know the full truth behind it The kitchen of hell's JR mystery. But the good news is: for as long as it takes The kitchen of hell is popular, people will continue to rediscover his disappearance and renew the hunt for answers.