Heartbroken travel influencer Christine Tran Ferguson opens up about her desperate struggle to ‘survive’ in the wake of 15-month-old son Asher’s shock death

Influencer Christine Tran Ferguson is trying to stay strong following the death of her one-year-old son Asher – who tragically died two weeks after she revealed he was ‘fighting for his life’ in hospital.

The travel blogger, 37, announced in July that Asher, her only child with husband Ryan Ferguson, had died.

Christine has laid bare how much she misses her late son in a new social media post, telling fans it’s ‘so hard’ to ‘keep surviving and living for our little angel’ through unwavering grief.

The Tour de Lust founder said she is hopeful Asher will send her signals.

‘I miss you very much. I miss our little adventures. I miss everything about you,” she wrote alongside a photo of her holding Asher’s hand on a miniature golf course.

Christine Tran Ferguson’s one-year-old son Asher tragically died in July at the age of 15

In her latest Instagram upload, Christine revealed how much she misses her late son

In her latest Instagram upload, Christine revealed how much she misses her late son

“I wish we could see how great a golf and hockey player you would have been. I’ve been reading the book Signs, hoping you’ll send them to me.’

Turning her focus to her grief, she continued, “Everyone says I’m strong, but I’m not. This is what it is about. Relatives have no choice. To continue to survive and live for our little angel.

“Mommy loves you so much and I’m trying my best, but it’s so hard!”

Christine’s post was immediately flooded with supportive messages from her 552,000 followers who sent her encouraging words of strength, while also praising her for being so outspoken.

One wrote: ‘Take time to grieve and process, there is no rush and no timeline. Sending you so much love, your baby is always with you.’

Another said: ‘Sending love and healing. They say that our short time here on earth is for the growth of the soul, and that our loved ones who have passed away are still with us, all around us, loving us and guiding us, and once our time on earth is over, we reunite with our loved one. that for infinity.

“But we’re always together anyway.”

A third added: ‘My biggest fear would be not having enough photos and videos to keep my baby’s memory alive.

Bereaved mother said she has no choice but to continue living for 'our little angel'

Bereaved mother said she has no choice but to continue living for ‘our little angel’

She admitted to her 552,000 followers that she misses

She admitted to her 552,000 followers that she misses “everything” about Asher

Christine welcomed her only child with her husband Ryan Ferguson in April 2022

Christine welcomed her only child with her husband Ryan Ferguson in April 2022

‘Sorry for your loss. I always think of Asher and wish he were here so you could hold him one more time and feed him one more time and play with one more time.”

“Your words really touched me,” a fourth commented. “Thank you for making us understand the challenge of what you are going through.

“Because the truth is, you never know when such difficult situations or tragic events will happen to you in life, and seeing how you navigate through them makes you a role model for all of us. I know this is not the role you chose or wanted, but you are helping so many by carrying your soul.”

Christine announced the tragic news of her son’s death on Instagram, admitting at the time that she felt haunted by his absence from her marital home.

“You didn’t deserve any of this,” she said at the time. “Losing you is the hardest experience Mom and Dad have ever had to go through.

‘Without you, every day has been torture, this pain is unbearable. I still feel like you’ll show up again, but our house is so quiet and empty without you.

‘A part of me died with you. I’m so heartbroken, I have no idea how to live a life without you.”

She broke the news of Asher's death two weeks after revealing he was 'fighting for his life in intensive care'

She broke the news of Asher’s death two weeks after revealing he was ‘fighting for his life in intensive care’

Christine previously detailed Asher's traumatic birth, revealing he was born via caesarean section

Christine previously detailed Asher’s traumatic birth, revealing he was born via caesarean section

“I can’t stop seeing your big smile everywhere I go, I hear your laugh and chatter all day long and it just breaks my heart that you’re not physically here,” she continued.

‘Your room is empty, your things untouched. There is no pain that could ever compare to losing a child and I can’t believe it happened to us.”

Christine, who celebrated her four-year anniversary with husband Ryan last week, recently enjoyed a luxury getaway to Portugal with her other half.

She made sure the sun-soaked holiday was well documented on her Instagram page, telling her followers it was the ‘hardest holiday’ of her life.

“We canceled our trip to Italy and decided to spend the last two weeks in Portugal,” she said. “It’s been the hardest journey I’ve ever had to make, but we’re trying to live life for Asher.

“We so wish you could have been with us, I really hope you were.”

Christine, the founder of the travel blog Tour De Lust, welcomed Asher on April 20, 2022 – nine years to the day she first met her husband in New York.

She opened up about his traumatic birth on Instagram and said she had to have an emergency caesarean section.

‘The doctor told us he had the cord around his neck so it would tighten around his neck during contractions, which caused his heart rate to drop. “I’m so happy that our amazing doctors delivered him safely,” she wrote.

‘It took me a while to finally be able to hold him when I was in the recovery room. I couldn’t believe it, he is FINALLY HERE in my arms! I feel so blessed and lucky to be your mother and understand what everyone has been telling me. There is no love like this.’