Health professional reveals the one thing you should NEVER touch at a bar

A senior health expert has warned people against ordering drinks with lemon wedges, saying it’s “something” she would definitely not eat in a restaurant or bar.

Vicky Derosa warned her 410,000 followers on TikTok about lemons and other citrus fruits.

“As a health care professional and someone who has been studying health for over 40 years, there is one thing I will never touch in a restaurant,” Derosa said at the beginning of her video, which has been viewed more than 75,000 times.

“Not in a restaurant, not in a bar, not anywhere, unless I bought it, unless I washed it, unless I cut it,” she continued.

Vicky Derosa took to TikTok to warn her 410,000 followers about lemons and other citrus fruits

After Derosa revealed that it was a bad buy, she issued a stern warning to her followers.

“Don’t do it,” she said. “Lemon, lime, orange. Don’t do it.”

The health expert then explained her hard stance against all citrus fruits, explaining that there was a legitimate reason for her aversion.

“Citrus fruits are one of the dirtiest things,” Derosa said. “There are so many toxins in them.”

The health expert went on to say that even though the lemons are organic, “there’s a theory that even if you buy organic lemons, they’ll have a lot of these kinds of things on them.”

Derosa then went on to say that she is skeptical when restaurants claim their lemons are organic.

“How many restaurants actually buy organic lemons?” she asked.

“Citrus fruits are one of the dirtiest things,” the health expert said. “There are so many toxins in them.”

“So when you get a glass of water, when you get a drink at a bar, say, ‘Please don’t put a slice of lemon in it, please don’t put a slice of lime in it,'” Derosa said

“I’m very compassionate and kind…but I’m not sure I believe this.”

At this point in the TikTok video, the health care provider reiterates her urgent request to avoid “lemons.”

‘So when you get a glass of water, when you order a drink at a bar, say, “Please don’t put a slice of lemon in it, please don’t put a wedge of lime in it.”‘

“They’re not washed,” she emphasized. “And even if they are washed, they’re not organic.”

Instead of garnishing a drink with a wedge, Derosa recommended cutting the lemon into slices and sprinkling some juice over your drink

Instead of using a wedge as a garnish, Derosa recommends cutting the lemon into slices and sprinkling some of the juice over the drink.

“Imagine having something that hasn’t been washed, isn’t organic, has been sitting god knows where, and now it’s suddenly in your drink for an hour.”

In the comments section, other users expressed their sympathy for Derosa and objected to ‘lemons’.

“As a former waitress, I agree,” one woman wrote.

“It’s like Russian roulette,” someone commented.

Another user said they once had salmonella and were hospitalized for three days. They claimed the first question the CDC asked them was if they had “put a lemon in [their] ‘drinking in a restaurant.’

At the end of her TikTok, Derosa joked about her fear of lemons in restaurants

At the end of her TikTok, Derosa joked about her fear of lemons in restaurants.

“Can you imagine what goes through my head?” she said, laughing. “I think about this stuff all day long.”

But then she returned to her message.

“Don’t do it.”

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