He must be feeling ruff! Incredible moment cops use Narcan to save adorable puppy that overdosed on FENTANYL

He must feel like a ruff! Incredible Moment Cops Use Narcan to Save Adorable Puppy Who Overdoses on FENTANYL

  • An adorable puppy was saved with Narcan medication after a fentanyl overdose
  • The dog had ingested the drug when her owners were arrested at a Walmart
  • Officers gave the puppy a dose of Narcan and rushed her to the vet

This is the incredible moment police used Narcan to save an adorable puppy who had been exposed to fentanyl and overdosed on the powerful synthetic opioid.

Officers in Irvine, California, arrested two people for possession of the drug at a Walmart on Thursday when they found a dog in their car.

The young puppy appeared to be showing signs that she was struggling, an Irvine Police spokesperson said.

“Her tongue was hanging out of her mouth, her eyes were closing, so the officers thought, ‘Hey, let’s use the Narcan on the dog to see if that’ll help her,’ and sure enough, so they took the dog to the vet,” she explained.

Within just a few minutes, she started to cheer up again.

The life-saving drug can reverse an overdose by blocking the effects of opioids if given in time.

Cute puppy is doing well after fentanyl overdose

Sergeant Karie Davies of Irvine police said officers saw signs the dog was in distress

Sergeant Karie Davies of Irvine police said officers saw signs the dog was in distress

The puppy is expected to make a full recovery

The puppy is expected to make a full recovery

Officers gave the puppy a dose of Narcan and rushed her to the vet

Officers gave the puppy a dose of Narcan and rushed her to the vet

Normal breathing can usually be restored within two to three minutes.

Veterinary researchers say Narcan may be just as effective in dogs as it is in humans.

She was transported to an emergency veterinarian for treatment and is expected to make a full recovery.

Once she is well enough, she will be placed in the care of Animal Services.

Her owners, Caleb Aaron Gibson, 29, of San Juan Capistrano, and Katherine Marylou Menke, 27, of Santa Ana, were arrested for possession of narcotics.

IPD has asked the district attorney to also charge the pair with animal cruelty.

Locals praised the authorities’ quick action, while others offered to take the dog into their care.

“Saving lives alongside law enforcement. IPD IS THE BEST. Not only did we save this beautiful puppy, but by taking the perpetrators off the streets, many people were also saved!’ someone said.

‘Please don’t give that puppy back! I pray this little guy finds the loving forever home he deserves,” another begged.

‘Bravo!! Irvine’s best! Thank you,” someone else wrote.

‘Where’s the dog? I will give her a loving home where she will never be hurt again. I lost my compassion in May. I’ve had three and they are sweet and loving when raised right!’ a friendly stranger offered.