Every week FEMAIL asks two singles to report on their blind date.
This week it was Chanelle and Jon’s turn to eat and drink.
Read on to find out if they’ll see each other again…
Vital statistics
Single for several years.
Current role
Veterinary medicine student.
Would like Meet
Someone who is thoughtful and loves animals.
Before the date, Chanelle said she had never met anyone else who wanted rats as pets
Relationship history
I’ve never been in a serious relationship because I’ve never found the right man.
Pre-date nerves?
I haven’t had many dates yet, so I was quite nervous. I can be shy.
First impression?
Jonathan was waiting at the table and I immediately liked his longer hair, nice shirt and blazer. He was smiley and friendly and seemed like a nice guy.
I think we just said hello and sat down; it was a first blind date for both of us, so we didn’t go overboard too quickly. But I was surprised by how attractive I found him.
Easy to talk to?
The conversation went smoothly and it didn’t feel awkward. We seemed to have a lot in common – and we both love animals.
He surprised me when he said he was hoping to get some rats as pets, since I already had a few; we both really love them. We are also both interested in conservation, history and philosophy, and had so many topics to communicate about.
It felt good, and we talked about deep things, with a little banter as well.
Embarrassing moments?
Nothing, except that I dropped my messy dessert with caramel sauce on the beautiful white tablecloth.
Did sparks fly?
I definitely think there was a spark between us. Jon suggested continuing the date with a walk in Hyde Park – as we walked around, he asked if he could hold my hand.
I’ve never done that on a first date, but it just felt natural. We said goodbye with a hug and promised to see each other again.
Would you like to meet again?
We’ve already made plans. We had a video phone call for an hour and a half last night and he booked his ticket to come see me this week. I’m going to show him Stonehenge and we’ll go out for dinner.
What do you think he thought of you?
I think he likes me. There was nothing that could have gone better on the date. The restaurant and food were great, and my date was great.
Would your family and friends like it?
Yes, because he is intelligent and funny.
Jon, 27
Vital statistics
Single for two years.
Current role
Support worker with homeless youth.
Would love to meet
A life partner.
Jon says they didn’t kiss – and that’s the closest thing to regret
Relationship history
I’ve had three relationships of a few months each, but I’ve been single for a few years.
Pre-date nerves?
My only nerves were what to wear; I had to do some shopping to get something smart.
First impression?
I thought she was beautiful and strangely enough, after ten seconds of formality it never felt awkward. It felt normal to be on a date with her.
She has beautiful eyes, and as soon as I saw her beautiful red dress, I was so glad I made the extra effort and bought a smart blazer.
Easy to talk to?
I expected to have an awkward conversation and leave, but what started with a stranger’s handshake ended in this incredibly wonderful experience.
I’ve been thinking about her all week. We talked about so many topics. I didn’t want it to end, so I asked if she wanted to go for a walk around Hyde Park.
Embarrassing moments?
No, none at all.
Did sparks fly?
I don’t think we both flirted, but there was an instant connection.
We spent every moment we could together until we had to go home. We didn’t kiss and that’s probably the closest thing to regret, but I’m sure I’ll make up for it when I see her.
Would you like to meet again?
We agreed to meet after I got back from Canada but I realized I didn’t want to wait so I’m going to see her tomorrow. I’m in Wales and she’s in Wiltshire, but I want her to know this is worth it.
What do you think she thought of you?
I hope she thinks I’m kind and compassionate and that I’m interested in her. We talked at the end of the date about how extremely excited we are about how well we got along.
Would your family and friends like her?
100 percent, yes. I’m excited to introduce her to my friends because they will know she is the right choice for me. I called them immediately after the date to tell them she was great.