Has the ‘most exciting’ sighting yet of the elusive Loch Ness Monster already been debunked? Researcher says photograph of ‘Nessie’ is most likely just a very large fish

Has the ‘most thrilling’ sighting of the elusive Loch Ness Monster yet been debunked? Researcher says ‘Nessie’ photo is most likely just a very large fish

  • The creature was captured by Chie Kelly, 51, who took the photos in August 2018

It was hailed as the ‘most thrilling’ sighting yet of the elusive Loch Ness Monster.

But some might predictably say that the creature being photographed is most likely just a sturgeon, claims a paranormal investigator.

Images surfaced last week of an eel-like figure ‘twisting and rolling’ on the surface of Loch Ness.

Translator Chie Kelly, 51, took the photos in August 2018 while on holiday but kept them hidden for fear of ridicule.

But after their publication, paranormal investigator Hayley Stevens said, “Personally, I think it’s very likely they saw a large sturgeon in the lake.

The mysterious creature on Loch Ness was photographed by translator Chie Kelly, 51

Photos show an eel-like figure ‘twisting and rolling’ on the surface of Loch Ness

The photos were taken in August and the sturgeon migrates to fresh water in late summer and early fall to mate.’

She added that native sturgeon are large, reaching up to five meters in length.

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