Has Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas VR been cancelled? Meta won’t say

We’ve heard remarkably little about the upcoming VR port of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas after the initial announcement all the way back in 2021. Now, almost two years later, Meta is still not answering pressing questions about the release, leaving the status of the project up in the air.

For those of us who forgot (and really, who can blame you after all this time), the VR port of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas was first revealed for the Quest 2 as part of a Connect Livestream in October 2021. The news came from none other than Facebook (now Meta) CEO Mark Zuckerberg himself and was soon reiterated in an official blog post about the event.

Teased as a way to “gain a new perspective on one of gaming’s most iconic open worlds,” the prospect of a VR version of this 2004 classic is certainly appealing. After all, who wouldn’t want to experience Big Smoke’s iconic fast food order from the first-person perspective of CJ in the driver’s seat.

However, no further information or any indication of a release date has emerged since the reveal, leaving eager fans wondering if it is still in the works.

With the recent arrival of Meta Quest 3, many are wondering if the game has been quietly shelved. Luckily both Upload VR And Road to VR have used this year’s Connect as an opportunity to ask Meta directly about its status. However, their answers to both questions provide little new information.

By simply responding “no comment” to UploadVR while telling Road to VR that they have “no updates to share”, it seems like we’ll just have to keep waiting to see if Grand Theft Auto San Andreas FRI will ever see the light of day.

If you’re looking for VR games to play right now, be sure to check out our recommendations for the best VR games And best VR headsets.

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