Harry claims he had to reveal his 25 Taliban kills ‘for his own healing’


Harry claims he had to reveal his 25 Taliban deaths ‘for his own healing’ as he poses in a glowing photo shoot for US People magazine (with suspiciously blue eyes)

  • The Duke of Sussex has sat down for a cover interview and photo shoot with People
  • The cover image shows Prince Harry smiling with the headline: “My story, my words.”

Prince Harry justified revealing his tally of Taliban deaths today because soldiers should discuss “parts of our service that haunt us” in a glowing US magazine article showing him modeling the necklace he claims William broke in a fight over Megxit .

The Duke of Sussex claimed in his memoirs to have killed 25 enemy combatants during two tours of Afghanistan, calling his victims “chess pieces” rather than people as a way of coping with the emotional strain of taking dozens of lives.

People published her interview this afternoon, with social media users commenting on how the magazine’s photo shoot seems to have brightened her blue eyes and thickened her hair.

Harry said today that he speaks openly about his time in Afghanistan, and the killing of insurgents, “for my own healing journey” and “in the hope that it will help others.”

It came as Harry was accused of reducing the royals to a laughing stock ahead of an appearance on the satirical ‘The Late Show’ with Stephen Colbert, which will air in the US tonight. It was filmed in New York yesterday with exiled royalty being ushered in and out of the studio by armed bodyguards, including an ex-British police officer carrying a Glock pistol case.

Prince Harry has done a brilliant cover with People magazine, one of the Sussexes’ favorite American publications.

Prince Harry is seen on Monday leaving his Manhattan hotel and heading to record an episode of The Stephen Colbert Show, accompanied by a guard armed with a safe with a Glock pistol.

But critics, including senior figures in the British army, have said his admission is a breach of the unwritten code that soldiers do not count the ‘notches on their rifles’. Others said that Harry had betrayed former classmates by risking his safety, his own safety and that of the Royal Family.

Justifying his decision to tell millions that he opened fire and killed 25 fighters as an Apache helicopter gunner, Harry told People, a favorite American magazine of the Sussexes: “I know from my own healing journey that silence has been the less effective remedy. Expressing and detailing my experience is the way I chose to deal with it, in the hope that it would help others.

Former military commanders, pilots, aid workers and diplomats condemned the comments, which they said gave the militants a propaganda victory. He too faced the ignominy of being branded a ‘mouthed loser’ by the Taliban themselves.

But Harry told People: “This is something every soldier has to deal with, and in nearly two decades of working alongside service personnel and veterans, I’ve heard their stories and shared my own.”

‘In these conversations, we often talk about the parts of our service that haunt us: the lives lost, the lives taken. But also the parts of our service that heal us and the lives we have saved.

“It’s a duty, a job and a service to our country, and having served two tours in Afghanistan for my country, I did everything I could to be the best soldier I was trained to be.” He added: “There’s really no right or wrong way to try to navigate these feelings.”

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