Harris energized Democratic base, confidential Trump campaign memo says

Democrats and the MSM will try to use these polls as evidence that the race has changed. | Photo: Reuters

In a confidential campaign memo from Trump on Tuesday, it was acknowledged that Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign has energized the Democratic base and that, given the events of the past few days, there is no doubt she will receive her nomination before the Democratic National Convention.

However, the confidential memo from Trump campaign pollster Tony Fabrizio sought to assure the Trump base that things would shift in favor of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump as the campaign gains momentum. So while the public polls may shift in the short term and she may consolidate the Democratic base a bit more, Harris cannot change who she is or what she has done, the pollster said.

Harris became the presumptive presidential nominee on Monday, a day after President Joe Biden announced his decision to withdraw from the race and endorsed her as the party’s presidential nominee against Trump. In less than 50 hours since Harris announced her candidacy, she has raised a whopping $100 million from her supporters, reflecting a groundswell of support that has unnerved Trump’s campaign.

Many of you have heard me refer to the upcoming Harris Honeymoon that I expect to see in the public polls in the coming weeks. As I have explained, the Honeymoon will be a manifestation of the wall-to-wall coverage that Harris is getting from the MSM. The coverage will be largely positive and will certainly energize Democrats and some other parts of their coalition at least in the short term, Fabrizio said.

That means we’re going to see public polls, particularly national public polls, where Harris is either catching up to or even ahead of President Trump. Obviously, the situation we’re in today is completely uncharted territory and has no modern historical parallel. But there are some things that haven’t changed, he noted.

Given the events of the past two weeks, including our very successful Convention, President Trump has seen a jump in his numbers in a number of recent public polls. Not surprising given that most candidates historically get some sort of jump. Given what has happened over the past few days and her upcoming VP pick, there is no question that Harris will get her jump well before the Democratic Convention. And that jump will likely begin to show in the coming days and will continue for a while until the race settles down, he told Team Trump in the memo.

Democrats and the MSM will try to use these polls as evidence that the race has changed, he noted, but he maintained that the fundamentals of the race remain the same. Democrats dropping one nominee for another does NOT change voter dissatisfaction with the economy, inflation, crime, the open border, housing prices, much less concerns about two foreign wars, he said.

Soon, Harris’ “honeymoon” will be over, and voters will once again focus on her role as Biden’s partner and co-pilot. Just as importantly, voters will also learn about Harris’ dangerously liberal record before she became Biden’s partner in creating historic inflation (she cast the deciding vote for the IRA), a flood of illegal immigrants across our southern border (she is Biden’s border czar), and immigrant crime that threatens our families and communities (she released illegal aliens who then committed violent crimes as DA), Fabrizio said.

(Only the headline and image of this report may have been edited by Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

First print: Jul 24, 2024 | 09:52 AM IST

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