Jervis Bay: New tragedy as entire FAMILY of blue gropers slaughtered by spearfishermen after 'Gus the Groper' murder saga: 'So sad and so angry'



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A spearfisherman has sparked fresh outrage after illegally killing a family of blue groupers, just days after anger erupted over the death of a blue grouper, believed to be Gus The Groper, in Sydney.

Photos on social media have revealed NSW fishermen intercepted a spearfisherman with three dead gropers at Plantation Point, Jervis Bay, on the NSW south coast, on Friday.

The catch included a female groper, which is brown, and at least two juveniles. All blue betagers start out as women and can transition into blue men later in life.

Spear fishing for blue gropers is banned in NSW, but pole anglers are still allowed to catch them, with a limit of two fish bags per day.

Woebegone Freedive posted photos on Facebook on Tuesday of the three fish discovered by fisheries protection officials.

“Devastating news from Jervis Bay: a family of bluegrouses, an iconic and protected species, has been illegally speared,” the post said.

'After a fantastic beach dive with a great group, enjoying time with bull rays and dolphins, our joy turned to horror when we returned to witness this horrific event.

'These friendly 'Labradors of the sea' are an essential part of our ecosystem and loved by many.

“Just days after losing Gus the Payer in Sydney, we are once again reminded of the urgent need for better protection and education.

'Many thanks to the local fishing crew for their diligent work in searching this individual's catch, and for the fines and seizure of the fishing gear.

'Great job in protecting our marine life.'

The NSW Department of Primary Industries confirmed the gruesome transport to Daily Mail Australia.

“Fisheries officers responded to a report on the Fishers Watch phone line that a payer was being illegally speared by a spearfisherman,” a DPI spokesperson said.

'A spearfisherman was arrested at the scene by fisheries officers in possession of three female gropes.

“Fisheries officers have questioned the individual in question and seized the groper and all fishing gear.

“The matter is under investigation and appropriate compliance action will be taken.”

The spokesperson added: 'Plantation Point is part of the Jervis Bay Marine Park and is a habitat protection zone where spearfishing is possible.

'Groper can only be legally taken by line in NSW. For recreational anglers, this means a minimum size of 12 inches and a bag limit of two (with only one fish over 2 feet).

'Fishermen and spearfishers should be aware of the rules governing their activities before fishing or spearfishing.'

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