Gunman takes hostages in Dresden shopping centre after killing woman and shooting up radio station


German police arrest a gunman after he killed his 62-year-old mother and took hostages in a shopping mall

  • Dresden police evacuated a shopping center in eastern Germany this morning
  • Local media reported that several hostages had been taken by a man with a gun.
  • The 40-year-old man reportedly killed his 62-year-old mother before firing on a radio station.
  • Police confirm the gunman is in custody with two hostages, both unharmed







A woman has reportedly been killed and hostages taken after a rampage by an armed man this morning in Dresden, Saxony.

German police evacuated a shopping center to deal with a hostage situation in downtown Dresden.

Bild reported that a 40-year-old gunman killed his 62-year-old mother in an apartment in southeast Dresden before holding up a local radio station and shooting.

Police said the operation had ended with two hostages in custody and none injured just before midday UK time on Saturday.

Members of a special unit of the police force secure the area near a shopping center in Dresden.

Police announced on social media that a hostage-taking in Dresden, East Germany, had ended and two people were released ‘unharmed’ after evacuating a shopping mall.

Bild reported today that a man, 40, had killed a woman, 62, before holding up a radio station.

The man is believed to have hidden in a pharmacy in the shopping center near the castle.

image reported that the assailant killed his mother before rushing into the offices of Radio Dresden.

Radio Dresden said a gunman entered the office building at around 08:30 local time (0730 GMT).

The man fired shots inside before fleeing by car to the Altmarktgalerie shopping center, 0.7 miles north.

The station confirmed that all the employees had escaped unharmed.

Hiding in a pharmacy, the man would have taken a woman and a child hostage.

The police negotiated with the man before dominating it around noon (11 am GMT).

Police declined to confirm details at the time, but asked locals to stay away from the area and confirmed that the nearby Striezelmarkt Christmas market had been closed.

Police special forces overpowered the man around noon local time on Saturday.

Security forces secure the area at a Christmas market in Dresden, Saxony this morning.

Dresden police asked locals to avoid the area, but did not confirm further details.

The man reportedly killed his mother before storming Radio Dresden in the south of the city.

Dresden State confirmed on Twitter at 12:50 p.m. (1150 GMT) that police had concluded the operation with two hostages safe and the attacker in custody.

The woman and child were confirmed to have escaped unharmed.

The gunman was wounded.

At 1:00 p.m. (12:00 GMT), the state authority confirmed that the situation had ended and that the market could be reopened.

Police also confirmed that the murder of a 62-year-old woman by her 40-year-old son in Prohlis, Dresden, was linked to the hostage-taking, but declined to give details.

A police officer talks to people while securing the area at a Christmas market in Dresden.

The police reacted quickly, rescuing the hostages and reopening the center at 1:00 p.m. local time.

Policing the area at a Christmas market in Dresden after reports of hostages being taken nearby

Police refused to confirm the death of a woman, reportedly shot by the man with a handgun.

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