Gun charges are the ‘least’ of the crimes Hunter has committed, top Republican claims: Rep. James Comer criticizes Special Counsel David Weiss and insists he is trying to SNEAK through another sweetheart deal

Republican top James Comer accuses Hunter Biden’s accuser, David Weiss, of trying to sneak in a new “sweetheart deal” for the president’s son β€” who faces a threatening charge over his gun crimes.

On Wednesday, federal prosecutors on Weiss’ team said in a filing that they plan to indict Hunter Biden by the end of September on illegal gun charges β€” which carry a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.

β€œThey’ve already tried to sneak something through once. We need to make sure they don’t do it again,” Comer, chairman of House Oversight, told WABC’s 770 AM Cats & Cosby Show.

“This is the least of all the crimes Hunter Biden has committed,” he continued.

Comer was referring to the original “sweetheart deal” between Hunter and the DOJ back in July that allowed him to walk away from gun and tax crimes with just a slap on the wrist and no jail time. The Republicans had labeled it a “sweetheart deal” that Biden’s DOJ had put in place to protect him.

However, the deal exploded spectacularly after a hidden clause giving Hunter full immunity from a wide variety of other possible charges, including illegal foreign lobbying, was discovered by the judge.

“This is the least of all the crimes Hunter Biden has committed,” said Chairman Comer

The rejected deal left Hunter potentially facing new and more serious charges, which could put him on the path to a jury trial.

In addition, Weiss has since been elevated to special counsel by Attorney General Merrick Garland, giving him broad authority to press charges against the president’s son in any district.

“Obviously he broke the law and Joe Biden wants to create more gun laws,” Comer continued in the interview.

‘I’m not surprised. But David Weiss still has a long way to go.”

Following an expected indictment this month, Hunter’s legal team could try to reach a new plea deal with the government to clear him from a jury trial and jail time.

The filing filed Wednesday by Weiss’ team revealed their timeline for Hunter’s next indictment.

β€œThe Speedy Trial Act requires the government to recover the indictment from a grand jury no earlier than Friday, September 29, 2023,” the filing reads.

“The government intends to seek the return of charges in this case before that date.”

Hunter had lied about a 2018 application to buy a gun.

A photo of the form shows him answering “no” when asked if he was an “unlawful user of or addicted to marijuana or any other depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug or other controlled substance.”

Hunter wrote about his extensive drug use during that period of his life in his 2021 memoir, Beautiful Things.

Comer has previously said that by the end of his committee’s investigation, Hunter can expect between six and 10 criminal references.

His commission is also looking into Joe Biden’s role in the Biden family’s larger “influence peddling” scheme.

A dire new poll for Joe Biden released Thursday shows that a large majority of Americans believe he was involved in his son Hunter’s foreign business dealings while he served as vice president.

According to a new CNN poll Released Thursday, 61 percent of Americans believe then-Vice President Biden had “some involvement” in Hunter’s business dealings and 42 percent responded that Joe acted “illegally.”

A photo from Hunter Biden's laptop showed the now 53-year-old first son posing nude with the firearm in question

A photo from Hunter Biden’s laptop showed the now 53-year-old first son posing nude with the firearm in question

Hunter allegedly lied about a firearms report (above) needed for his gun transaction.  A photo of the form shows him answering

Hunter allegedly lied about a firearms report (above) needed for his gun transaction. A photo of the form shows him answering “no” when asked if he was an “unlawful user of or addicted to marijuana or any other depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug or other controlled substance.”

The White House has rejected any suggestion that Joe was involved in his son Hunter’s business deals over the years.

Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy has said opening an impeachment inquiry into Joe’s connections to Hunter’s foreign dealings is on the table.

He said if the Biden administration continues to “withhold” documents, Republicans will “proceed with the impeachment inquiry when we get back in session.”

The House returns to DC next week.