Guildford, Taser: Tense moment cop pulls weapon on man in a suburban park after a teenager was ‘tackled’ off a motorbike

Guildford, Taser: Tense moment officer points gun at man in suburban park after teen was ‘nabbed’ from motorbike

Footage has emerged of a police officer threatening a man with a Taser after a boy was allegedly tackled off his motorbike in a quiet suburban park.

The 13-year-old boy was allegedly caught riding an unregistered red trail bike in a park on Campbell Hill Road in Guildford, western Sydney, on Sunday.

A bystander began filming the 10-minute ordeal after the boy’s father, 46, was pepper-sprayed after confronting police around 2 p.m.

“It was a hero moment for which you will be held responsible,” the man filming can be heard saying as one of the officers raises a taser at him.

Footage has emerged of a police officer threatening a man with a Taser after a boy was allegedly tackled off his motorbike in a quiet suburban park

The 13-year-old boy was allegedly caught riding an unregistered red trail bike in a park on Campbell Hill Road in Guildford, western Sydney, on Sunday.

“You didn’t have to attack him like that,” another man said.

“That was very foolish,” the filming man added.

Within minutes, a small group had gathered, prompting the officer to withdraw his Taser, while another grabbed the bike from the ground.

The officer with the taser pointed it at the man who was filming and asked him to stop talking.

“No, I’m not silent, don’t tell me to shut up,” the man replies.

“You don’t act like a damn Benji Marshal and grab the kids off the bike.”

Paramedics treated the boy at the scene for minor injuries to his chest, wrist and ribs.

He will be dealt with under the Young Offenders Act.

NSW Police told Daily Mail Australia the use of pepper spray was justified.

“Police spotted a rider weaving between large groups of people in the reserve and were approached by concerned members of the public,” a spokesperson said.

“Police were approached by a 46-year-old man, who reportedly tried to intervene before officers used OC spray.”

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