‘Guardian Angel’ Theory Links Trump Assassination Attempt to UFOs

Conspiracy theorists claim that aliens appeared during the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

Footage from the July 13 Pennsylvania protest appeared to show unidentified flying objects (UFOs) floating through the sky.

Shortly before the bullets were fired, a disc-shaped object whizzed past against the backdrop of an American flag flapping in the wind. Another object resembled a sphere as the Secret Service stormed the stage.

Some social media users have called the UFOs “guardian angels” that protected Trump from the bullets. The former president confirmed this by saying, “God saved me” a few days after the meeting.

A conventional explanation would be that the objects were drones monitoring the area, but some reports claim that “there were no Secret Service drones in the air at the time.”

Conspiracy theorists are raising the idea that aliens appeared during the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump

A disc-shaped object zoomed in the background of an American flag flapping in the wind shortly before bullets were fired and another appeared as an orb as the Secret Service stormed the stage

Trump was shot by Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, a registered Republican who has previously donated to Joe Biden.

The GOP candidate was hit in the ear as he turned his head to address the crowd. Chaos ensued after shots rang out, killing one person in the crowd.

“I shouldn’t be here, I should be dead,” Trump said during an interview with the New York Post.

‘By luck or by God, many people say it is by God, I am still here.’

The moment of “luck” came when Trump moved his head slightly, taking himself out of Crooks’ direct line of sight.

Since then, social media has been abuzz with two videos capturing the mysterious objects. According to some users, spectators at the rally said they saw a UFO “shortly before and after the first shot was fired at Trump.”

An X user wrote: ‘UFOs are always present at Trump’s rallies to protect him.’

Other users are not convinced the objects were alien visitors, calling the claims “damn funny.”

But a UAP expert has also spoken out about the clips, telling DailyMail.com that the objects in question ‘probably drones, birds or a combination of both.’

“The objects are moving quickly and in close-ups you see motion blur, which distorts the actual shape of the objects,” Alejandro Rojas, UAP advisor at Enigma Lab, told DailyMail.com.

‘At these types of events, there are often multiple drones filming. It is now being reported that even the shooter flew a drone in the area.

“The objects also move in a straight line without making any unusual movements. Although we can’t say for sure what they are, they match a lot of the videos we get that turn out to be everyday objects.”

In addition to UFO claims, conspiracy theorists have also raised the notion that the shooting was an inside job aimed at covering up the truth about aliens.

UFO filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee told The Daily Star this week: ‘It may sound a bit strange, but I do believe this effort is a result of the fact that Trump, if re-elected, would come out with the full truth about UFOs.’

Lee also suggested that some shady actors may have wanted to prevent the former president from releasing information about an alleged affair between JFK and Marilyn Monroe.

It’s hard to know where to begin, but of course there is no evidence to support these claims.

A documentary filmmaker has come forward to express his belief that former President Donald Trump was targeted for death to suppress the truth about UFOs

Musician and UFO filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee admitted that his theory seems a bit far-fetched: “It may sound a little strange, but I do believe that this effort may be a result of Trump, if re-elected, coming out with the full truth about UFOs,” he said.

Now that the 2024 presidential campaign has gotten underway, the former president appears increasingly open to the topic.

Speaking to YouTube influencer Logan Paul for an episode of his podcast “Impulsive” in June, Trump admitted that he has “met some serious people who say they see strange things flying around.”

“Very smart and solid people,” Trump continued, “have said they believe there is something there, and it makes sense that there is.”

But, he concluded: ‘I’m never convinced, despite that (…) It’s not my thing. But a lot of people believe it’s true. A lot of very good, solid people.’

Despite Trump’s dismissive tone — and in the absence of evidence that Trump’s shooter had accomplices or a coherent motive — Lee continued to insist that the architects of an alleged UFO cover-up may have wanted Trump dead.

“He’s already said he would release all the files on the JFK assassination,” the musician and documentary filmmaker told the Daily star.

“And I believe those files will contain evidence that both JFK and his lover Marilyn Monroe were assassinated because they both wanted this information (i.e., the truth about UFOs) to be made public,” Lee told the publication.

Authorities believe the shooter (pictured after the shooting) acted alone. There is currently no evidence that he had accomplices

The dossier the former president compiled on the approximately 15,000 still-secret documents relating to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy tells a different story.

‘In 2017, President Donald Trump allowed the 25-year deadline for full disclosure of the JFK Records Act (1992) to expire,’ former Washington Post reporter Jefferson Morley noted.

“While declaring the Kennedy files declassified, Trump acquiesced to the agency’s demand to keep parts of more than 11,000 documents secret,” added Morley, who has spent more than a decade in court. sue the CIA over JFK documents.

But “in 2021, President Biden did the same thing,” Morley acknowledged.

To date, according to the nonprofit organization Mary Ferrell Foundation: ‘Unfortunately, in thousands of cases the new document simply contains fewer redactions than before (…) and does not come close to the full disclosure required by law.’

However, Trump has indicated that he will take stronger action against the release of JFK documents if he is re-elected as America’s commander in chief.

“This time I’m just going to do it,” Trump vowed during a recording of an episode of the All-In podcastlast June.

When asked why the former president backed down during his first term, Trump told the show’s hosts, “I’ve been beaten by some people who work for me, great people who you would respect, and they asked me not to do it.”

“And I say, ‘Why? Tell me why,’ and they say, ‘Sir, I think it needs a little bit more time.’ … This wasn’t the CIA asking me, but I think the CIA was probably behind it,” Trump said. “They wouldn’t like it if I didn’t release the rest.”

Lee, the UFO filmmaker, stressed that “the truth is much more bizarre and strange.”

During a recording of an episode of the All-In podcast last June (above), former President Donald Trump promised to release all assassination files on President John F. Kennedy if he were re-elected in November.

“Those who are controlling this,” Lee told the Daily Star of the alleged UFO cover-up, “probably a secret part of the US military, perhaps the Collins Elite, know this truth and believe the public would not be able to digest it.”

Part of the specific version of the UFO cover-up that Lee believes in includes the idea that there are secretly aliens living among us right now.

According to Lee, the US government is hiding these facts because insiders are convinced that the American public “couldn’t handle this.”

Lee told the publication that while he disagrees with the alleged government conspirators, he still suspects there are possible answers to the UFO mystery, but that it may be too much for the public to process.

“They could handle other life forms from other planets that are physical beings,” Lee said, “but I doubt they could handle an interdimensional intelligence that exists in another form of reality.”

His comments are reminiscent of a study conducted in June by two Harvard scientists that suggested the solution to UFOs may lie in time travelers, interdimensional beings or even “another hominid species, or even a branch of Homo sapiens, that has adapted to live underground.”

“Maybe quantum physics can eventually prove this,” Lee speculated.

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