Group wearing Nazi SS uniforms clash with angry locals at a Second World War-themed festival in Norfolk city as crowds turn on them over their ‘highly offensive’ clothing

The organizers of a popular 1940s festival are facing calls to ban Nazi uniforms after ugly scenes involving clashes between locals and a group of men dressed in ‘highly offensive’ SS costumes complete with swastikas.

The men were confronted by crowds in Sheringham High Street in Norfolk this weekend during the annual Second World War-themed festival, where people dress up and planes from the era fly overhead.

The group of around ten to fifteen people then had to be escorted from the area by police during the ’40s weekend’ to prevent the problems from escalating.

The annual event attracted around 25,000 people on both days, many in period clothing, with photos and videos online of street dancing and family gatherings.

But the popular event was marred when the group wearing Nazi-era German uniforms gathered outside a local pub and marched ‘in unison’ through the jovial crowd.

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The men were confronted by crowds in Sheringham High Street in Norfolk during the annual Second World War themed festival.

Some uniforms had SS markings on the collars, representing Hitler’s infamous death squad, as well as insignia with the ‘skull’ symbol and swastikas.

Their presence angered many locals, with onlookers shouting at them and telling them they were not welcome.

Event marshals intervened to ask the men to leave before police also intervened to lead the group away from the angry crowd.

The incident has prompted calls to ban Nazi uniforms on future weekends and the city council has agreed to discuss proposals to make the event exclusively Allied uniform.

German military clothing from the period is not currently banned – although the North Norfolk Railway, which is hosting an associated event on the same weekend, does not allow such clothing.

A spokesperson for festival organizers said German uniforms are allowed as long as they “do not promote the Nazis.”

He claimed the incident was a “misunderstanding” and that the group was there to “remember the German people.”

Witnesses said the group gathered outside The Lobster pub where they were confronted by locals.

Mike Keller, who lost relatives during the Holocaust and whose father fled Nazi Germany in the Kindertransport, was among those shocked by the sight of the uniforms.

He said: ‘It was a nice family atmosphere and very friendly, when suddenly out of nowhere there were ten to fifteen men dressed in authentic SS uniforms literally marching in unison.

‘It was deeply insulting. These men did not walk around or mingle with people. They marched and held a demonstration. It was scary.

‘My father came from a Jewish family that lost his parents and siblings in death camps. He was lucky enough to escape via Kindertransport with my uncle, so to have to watch this with my son was a fatal insult and a disgraceful act.”

A spokesperson for festival organizers claimed the incident was a 'misunderstanding'

A spokesperson for festival organizers claimed the incident was a ‘misunderstanding’

Another witness said: ‘As the group gathered outside the pub the family-friendly atmosphere of the day became tense. There was so much tension and shock in the air.

‘There was a lot of cheering and whining from the spectators. As the group stood proudly, a man in the pub confronted them.

‘Then the police arrived and quickly escorted the group out of the city. It all happened quite quickly.”

Commenting online, visitor Julie Jones said: ‘I loved how people dressed up and showed off their dogs. A nice atmosphere too… until I saw a group in German uniform.

‘I was surprised at how upset I felt and felt it was completely inappropriate on a joyful occasion celebrating the good things about the 1940s.’

Sheringham City Council has said it will discuss with Norfolk Police how to prevent a repeat of the situation in coming weekends.

A spokesperson said: ‘Sheringham Council has been made aware that an incident occurred in the town on Saturday which was managed by the police.

‘Sheringham Council will consult with the police, North Norfolk Railway and others to determine what happened and what action can be taken to prevent a recurrence.’

A spokesperson for Norfolk Police said: ‘A police officer on patrol in Sheringham came across a confrontation on the High Street at around 5.30pm on Saturday involving a man and a group of people who had attended an event.

β€œThe officer intervened and quickly resolved the incident. One man has reported assault and this is being further investigated. No one was injured during the incident.”