Groom slams his ‘mean girl’ wife as a ‘bully’ after she pranked his mother on their wedding day by RUINING her makeup – then branded him a ‘mama’s boy’ when he chastised her for it

A groom has slammed his ‘mean girl’ wife after she pranked his mother by using hideous orange make-up on their wedding day.

The unnamed man, believed to be from the US, asked in Reddit’s Am I The A**hole thread if he was wrong for “expressing discomfort over my wife and her friends making fun of my mother on our wedding day .’

He explained that his mother and his bride-to-be had never really seen each other and that the couple was largely “avoiding” her.

But the groom was furious when he found out his wife had ‘decided to fuck his mother on their wedding day’ by ruining her make-up.

An unnamed man, believed to be from the US, took to Reddit’s Am I The A**hole thread to ask if he was wrong for ‘expressing discomfort over my wife making fun of my mother’

The groom began, “MrYour mother hasn’t been the best in the past. She can be very rude and was catty.

“She didn’t get off to a good start with my wife because of her own rude and self-centered behavior, but I sided with my wife and set boundaries.

“My mother understands that she cannot be rude these days. I completely understand that my wife will never like her, and my mother probably won’t like her either, and we all avoid each other for the most part.

‘Do not get me wrong. It makes me sad because I had a good relationship with my family, but (my) wife comes first.”

He went on to say that the couple’s wedding was “almost a perfect day” except for a small hiccup that turned into a family feud.

‘MMy mother had a fairly large, very noticeable dye spot on her cheek. She was clearly not happy about this and wanted it covered,” the groom explained.

In the comments, he further elaborated on the fact that the dye stain came from her husband smearing cake on her face during his birthday party that took place during the rehearsal dinner.

‘She never does her own makeup and knows very little about makeup. The makeup artist was a friend of my wife and knew all the drama surrounding my mother,” the groom continued.

Groom was furious when he found out his wife had ‘decided to fuck his mother’ on their wedding day by ruining her make-up (stock image)

‘She told her she would try, but the makeup would have to be darker to hide it. She and my wife giggled beforehand and decided to fuck her.”

The disgruntled groom said the crafty duo made the makeup “super dark and orange.”

My mother has fair skin, so it looked ridiculous. My mother seemed to believe her that nothing lighter would cover it and simply removed all the makeup and moved on to her big pink spot.”

The man said he initially forgot about the incident until his new wife showed their wedding photos to friends after the couple returned from their honeymoon.

Her friends all started laughing about what they had done to my mother. This was the first time I heard about it and I said it was kind of mean girlish. My wife looked at me.

‘Her friends kept saying it was funny and my mum is stupid and got what she deserved. At that point I got annoyed and said that they were acting like high school bullies and they should be ashamed of themselves.

‘No matter what my mother had done in the past, she was not the problem on the wedding day.

“This may be way too far, but I said at least she laughed about it and moved on from her spot. They would have been insecure and worried about Instagram all day.”

He concluded: ‘When they left, my wife got very upset and said that I should be on her side 100 percent and not 95 percent, and that I was humiliating her by talking to her friends like that. She accused me of being a mama’s boy.’

Elsewhere, the Reddit user ultimately cut ties with his mother and family.

The user took the comments and provided more context: “I had a perfect childhood. That doesn’t just disappear overnight. I miss them every day and I still can’t believe this happened.

The post was quickly flooded with comments as most readers seemed to be on the groom’s side, calling him NTA (Not The A**hole).

“I don’t like what my wife did, but my mother won’t be around my grandchildren if she can’t respect their mother. She has been informed and said, ‘Okay,’ and she might have grandchildren from my sisters.”

He continued, “This is the most heartbreaking, soul-sucking thing I’ve ever experienced: to have a family for one minute and now I can’t talk to them anymore.

“That’s not as easy as Reddit wants people to believe and if it happens, it has to happen when I’m ready. Even my wife admits she couldn’t do it in my shoes.’

The post was quickly flooded with comments as most readers seemed to be on the site side of the groom – branding him NTA (Not The A**hole).

One person wrote: ‘NTA. You were right. Your wife acted like a bully in high school, not like an adult. And being her husband doesn’t mean you blindly support her – it means you have the courage to tell her when she’s going down a bad path.

‘This is not being a mama’s boy, this is being a good and moral person. If she wants you to support her 100 percent, she has to act like an adult.’

Another person said: ‘NTA. What your wife did was cruel and came from an ugly place. It was beyond rude. It was downright mean. You told the truth and your wife didn’t like the way she looked when you held up the mirror.”

A third person commented: ‘That wasn’t a joke, it was an extremely cruel act. Standing up for your mother doesn’t make you a mama’s boy. Tbh, I find her behavior concerning and wonder what else she could be doing.”

Someone else added: “NTA. Your wife is certainly one. If there is already a difficult relationship, then what she did only made it worse, and giggling about it with her friends over dinner only makes it worse. She’s a bully.’

‘NTA. But the fact that your wife tried to humiliate your mother makes me wonder how much your wife is responsible for the bad blood between the two of them,” wrote another.

One person simply said, “NTA. Your wife may not get along with your mother, but what she did was cruel and inappropriate. What a filthy mean girl!’

But others disagreed and believed the man was wrong, especially after reading his additional comments

Another person added: “NTA. Your wife won’t let things get spoiled, even though your mother tries. These are classic schoolyard bullying. Your wife needs to grow up.”

But others disagreed and believed the man was wrong.

One person wrote: ‘Edit: YTA, based on your comments. Original: NTA, but you married your mother. I can guarantee that as she gets older, your wife will act just like your mother.

“They don’t get along because they look so much alike and I might even go so far as to say your wife is WORSE than your mother.”

A second person added: ‘After reading your replies and comments about this, it sounds like you’ve already taken your wife’s side. Your comments are strange and contradictory.

“You say your mom is a great mom and you grew up in a great family, blah blah blah. But your mother doesn’t love your wife, so you cut off contact with the family who raised you and loved you. I’m glad you did it.

“They don’t deserve an ungrateful person like you. Start living your life with your perfect woman. You deserve each other. Y.T.A.’

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