Greens leader Adam Bandt hits back after Labor and the Coalition accused the party of peddling ‘misinformation’ about the war in Gaza

Defiant Adam Bandt has pushed back against alleged ‘smear’ aimed at Australia’s pro-Palestinian movement and the Greens, telling protesters that ‘we will prevail’.

It follows a nail-biting week in federal parliament, with both Labor and the Coalition accusing the Greens of fueling social division over the Israel-Gaza war.

Speaking to rallygoers in Melbourne on Sunday, the Greens leader praised protesters for showing up in major cities for “35 weeks” and criticized suggestions the movement was anything other than “peaceful”.

“Let me say this, not for your benefit, because you already know this, but for their benefit, for all those who slander this movement for peace,” he said.

“We all know that there is no place for violence against people, against politicians, against the people who work for them, or against their offices.

‘We all know that. What we strive for is peace.

‘Peace here and peace in Gaza. Peace for the Israelis and for the Palestinians. That is what we insist on.’

Greens leader Adam Bandt has taken aim at Anthony Albanese and Peter Dutton, who accused the Greens of stoking division over the Israel-Gaza conflict

Pro-Palestinian protesters in Melbourne on Sunday afternoon

Last Wednesday, during Question Time, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese called out the Greens for what he called “disinformation” about the Israel-Gaza conflict.

“Unacceptable that misinformation is being knowingly and deliberately spread by some Greens senators and MPs, who have engaged in demonstrations outside offices and online,” the Prime Minister said.

‘This also applies to knowingly misrepresenting motions submitted in this parliament.

‘Enough is enough.’

He was supported by opposition leader Peter Dutton.

MPs’ election offices have been vandalized in recent weeks with pro-Palestinian slogans, including graffiti accusing members of complicity in alleged “genocide.”

Mr Dutton called the Greens “evil” on the 2GB radio station on Thursday.

Peter Dutton and Anthony Albanese showed rare unity by both targeting the Greens this week

Mr Bandt was unapologetic about his views on Sunday, repeating his call for the Labor government to step up diplomatic pressure on the Jewish state.

“I think people need to have a conversation with their children and grandchildren, with their neighbors, about how bad the current Greens party is, that they have nothing to do with the environment,” he said.

“It’s all about radical causes.”

But Mr Bandt was unapologetic about his views on Sunday, repeating his call for the Labor government to step up diplomatic pressure on the Jewish state.

He called on the government to expel Israel’s ambassador to Australia, impose sanctions on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and cancel any military trade with Israel.

Mr Bandt also said that pressure within parliament was “increasing” and that the pro-Palestinian movement was “growing in strength”.

“If they ignore you first, after making fun of you, and then turn on you and try to fight you by slandering you… you know they know they’re wrong,” he said.

The rally attended by hundreds of people outside the Victoria State Library was organized by Free Palestine Melbourne

“And this is the last step before they admit they’re wrong and take action.

‘Because I can tell you that the pressure is increasing from that building.

“This peaceful and powerful movement to end the invasion and occupation… is only growing stronger.

“We will prevail.”

Free Palestine Melbourne organized the meeting, which was held at the State Library.

Protesters chanted “1,2,3,4… we don’t want your bloody war, and 5,6,7,8… Israel is a terrorist state.”

They also sang: ‘Albo, Albo, shame, shame… you do not speak in our name.’

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