Gravity Falls creator returns to his ‘little bastard’ character

Gravity waterfallsDisney Channel’s quirky paranormal animated adventure show ended eight years ago. But Bill Cipher, the interdimensional demon bent on taking over the multiverse, is back in action — or at least he’s back in a new book written by Gravity waterfalls creator, Alex Hirsch.

The book is essentially Bill’s all-encompassing revelation, in which he divulges a wealth of insights, including (but not limited to): a guide to world conquest, embarrassing secrets of the Pines family, intricate riddles and codes, and apparently an entire chapter on Silly Straws.

According to the Disney Books website, Bill’s Book is for mature readers, but that doesn’t mean it’s super explicit. From Bill’s perspective, things get a little darker and edgier than the show. After all, the golden triangle just wants to wreak havoc in the universe with its dicks.

In a completely serious email interview, Hirsch was as candid as he could be with a demon lurking over his shoulder about writing this deeply cursed book and his return to the twisted mind of Bill Cipher and the world of Gravity waterfalls.

Image: Disney

Polygon: What was it like returning to Bill specifically?

Alex Hirsch: Bill is a little bastard, and little bastards are fun to write about. When my buddies and I published this damnable anti-Bible from the perspective of a literal chaos demon, I honestly couldn’t believe it. I still can’t believe it.

What makes this book in particular ‘deeply cursed’?

Probably all curses. Wash your hands thoroughly with holy water after touching.

Bill is a character that has left a legacy in animation, particularly with villains. Did you feel that impact? Was it something you ever expected?

Bill appeared in my head the way he appears in everyone’s head: unannounced, shouted, inexplicable. I wasn’t sure the public would “get” this guy, let alone tattoo him permanently on their bodies a decade after he’d entered the collective subconscious. My best guess at his enduring all-ages appeal might be that he combines the things little kids love (big shapes) with the things adults love (terrible choices).

What were you able to do with this book that you couldn’t with the show? The content warning says it’s for older readers, so I’m curious what flexibility that could have offered.

Honestly, I don’t think this book is all that different in tone than any other Gravity Falls product, other than it being the first mass-distributed book printed entirely in human blood. RE: demographics, if someone were to ask me what the right age range for this book is, I’d say “too scary for kids, too dumb for adults, just right for you.”

Gravity Falls itself got pretty dark at times. What was it like to use so many horror elements and still keep it fairly PG?

A story isn’t a story without stakes, and stakes are more believable with a villain who’s more than happy to break a few necks if you let him. I just try to keep it interesting and let someone else worry about the rating.

When it comes to future animation projects, do you find yourself more drawn to one or the other (family-friendly or more adult)?

That’s a good question, unfortunately my lawyers have told me that I now have a sniper point on my forehead and that I should move on to the next question

In recent years I feel like there is more and more serialized adult genre animation. As someone in the industry, why do you think that is?

It was inevitable. Animation as a medium can fit any conceivable story style. The question is not why these longer, high-stakes animations are finally popular in America, but why did it take so long?

What’s the most surprising reaction Gravity Falls fans have had to you after all this time?

Apparently “Summerween” (the fictional holiday we made up on the show to cover up a Halloween episode in a show set in the summer) is actually
going to be a thing? Several people have been sending me video clips of people having real Summerween parties recently. If I accidentally invented a new holiday due to lack of sleep and deadline sweat, I would be both shocked and very happy.

Is there another Gravity Falls character you’d most like to have their own book?

50 Shades of Soos. America is ready.

Like at a DJ booth, his arms raised and holding a crown. He looks elated.

Image: Disney

Bill’s Book is now available.