Got acne? TikTok says ‘spearmint tea’ will clear your spots… but the experts aren’t convinced

If you want flawless skin, try drinking spearmint tea.

At least that is evident from TikTok’s latest ‘health hack’.

Acne sufferers rave about the purported benefits of drinking two cups of tea daily, claiming it has lightened their pimples and oily skin.

A social media user who has amassed tens of thousands of followers for her “acne healing guides” even posted stunning before-and-after photos of her transformation, mentioning the effects of spearmint tea.

Fans of the natural “therapy” point to research that suggests it works, especially for hormonal acne. But experts are not convinced.

The medical esthetician (pictured), based in Toronto, with more than 7,000 followers, says acne decreases by 51 percent after three months of drinking the tea

A video posted by @facialsbymegi (pictured), which has been viewed more than 30,000 times, cites a 2015 study from the American Academy of Dermatology, which suggested that drinking two cups of spearmint tea daily reduces inflammatory and hormonal acne by 25 percent per day. month decreases. The medical beautician from Toronto with more than 7,000 followers says that acne decreases by 51 percent after three months of drinking tea

Dr. Anojan Arulananthan, head of retail health at Holland & Barrett, said: ‘More research is needed to draw this conclusion, namely into a larger sample size and duration.

‘Acne is caused for various reasons.

‘But in hormonal acne, the male hormones are out of sync, especially testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, also known as circulating androgens.

‘It is these androgens that increase sebum levels and contribute to clogging of the pores.

‘Because they are hormonal in nature, pimples usually occur around the time of a woman’s menstrual period, usually around the jawline and lower face.’

One 2010 study, by a researcher at Eastbourne District General Hospital, looked at the effects of drinking spearmint tea on hormones in 41 participants.

Half drank spearmint tea for a month, while the others were given a placebo herbal tea.

At the end of the trial, published in the journal Phytotherapy Research, researchers found that those who drank spearmint tea had significantly reduced testosterone levels.

Spearmint tea is made from the mentha spicata plant, which has been tested in human studies for anti-androgenic effects.  One study shows that it helps lower testosterone levels

Spearmint tea is made from the plant mentha spicata, which has been tested in human studies for anti-androgenic effects. One study shows that it helps lower testosterone levels

Dr. Arulananthan said that, if the results were proven, “decreased testosterone levels could imply an effect on hormonal acne.”

In acne, small glands near the skin’s surface produce too much sebum – an oily substance designed to keep the hair and skin from drying out.

Excess sebum mixes with dead skin cells, with both substances forming a plug in the follicle.

The NHS says: ‘If the blocked follicle is close to the surface of the skin, it bulges outwards, causing a whitehead.

‘Alternatively, the blocked follicle may be open to the skin, causing a blackhead to form.’

TikTok user @loanvu_uk claims that even if it doesn't cure your acne, it will give you 'better skin tone and overall better health'

TikTok user @loanvu_uk claims that even if it doesn’t cure your acne, it will give you ‘better skin tone and overall better health’

But experts emphasize that while it is interesting that spearmint tea may lower levels of male hormones, there is no evidence to show any effect of spearmint tea directly on hormonal acne.

‘Acne can be due to many factors and can be quite tricky to manage, so it’s wise to have a healthy skepticism towards quick fixes touted on social media,’ says Dr Jane Ravenscroft of the British Association of Dermatologists.

‘Herbal mint tea has antioxidant and antibacterial properties that may have potential health benefits.

‘But these have not been proven to play a role in improving acne.’

A video posted by @facialsbymegi, which has been viewed more than 30,000 times, cites a 2015 study from the American Academy of Dermatology that suggested drinking two cups of spearmint tea daily could beat hormonal acne.

Dermatology clinics also make the same claim, but MailOnline could not find the study in its search of medical literature.

A video posted by @lifewithmils (pictured), who has 206,200 followers on TikTok, explains the possible benefits of drinking different herbal teas, with spearmint tea helping acne

TikTok user and nutrition student @lifewithmils shows her face when she has acne

A video posted by @lifewithmils (pictured), who has 206,200 followers on TikTok, explains the possible benefits of drinking different herbal teas, with spearmint tea helping acne. The TikTok user and nutrition student shows her face when she has acne

Another video posted by @loanvu_uk, who has 86,700 followers on TikTok, suggests that you “drink spearmint tea for at least a month to see the changes in your acne.”

She claims that even if it doesn’t cure your acne, it will give you “better skin tone and better health in general.”

A video posted by @lifewithmils, who has 206,200 followers on TikTok, explains the possible benefits of drinking different herbal teas.

“Herbal mint helps to naturally lower testosterone levels in your blood and if we have too much testosterone it can cause acne,” says the nutrition student.

However, there is no harm in drinking a cup of spearmint tea every day.

Dr. Arulananthan said: ‘Provided you consult your GP beforehand to check that it won’t affect any medications you’re taking, you can try the spearmint tea trend yourself to see if it can ease any symptoms.

“If anything, it will definitely help you stay hydrated while tasting great.”

But he urges people not to use the herbal tea as a substitute for medical treatment and to always consult your doctor before trying anything new.


Cystic acne – the most serious form of skin condition – occurs when oil and dead skin cells build up deep in the hair follicles.

If these become infected, it can cause boil-like spots.

Spots occur when a pore in the skin becomes clogged, usually with dead skin cells. If bacteria enter the pore, it may become red and swollen.

Cystic acne happens when this infection penetrates deep into the skin, causing tender bumps that are full of pus.

If the cyst bursts, it can spread the infection, causing more pimples.

Patients are usually in their teens or early twenties, but can be as young as eight or even fifty years old. Cystic acne is more common in men.

The face, chest, back, upper arms and shoulder are most commonly affected.

The exact cause of cystic acne is unclear, but it is believed to involve the hormones androgen.

Androgen increases during puberty and can cause pores to become clogged.

In women, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause, or polycystic ovary syndrome can also worsen acne.

Over-the-counter medications that can relieve milder acne often have no effect on cystic forms.

A dermatologist can prescribe oral antibiotics that control bacteria and reduce inflammation.

Creams and gels that contain retionoid, a form of vitamin A, can also help unclog pores.

Birth control pills can also help women regulate their hormones.

It is important to seek treatment to prevent scarring.

Acne sufferers should not pick at their pimples as this can push the infection deeper and spread it.

They should also lead a healthy lifestyle. Research suggests that sugary diets can worsen acne.

Patients should also try to relax due to stress, which causes the body to release more hormones.

Source: Web MD