Google is shutting down Play Movies & TV, but don’t worry, your purchases are safe

Google is pulling the plug on the last vestiges of Play Movies & TV, and to help with the transition it will move users' purchased content to other services.

The tech giant has been slowly shutting down the platform over the past two years, starting with its removal of several smart TVs. The storefront has existed undisturbed on Android TV devices and Google Play ever since until a recent post on the Help website for Android TV announced the changes. According to the page, the update will roll out in the coming weeks, but the day you receive the patch depends on which country you live in. Then on January 17, Google will officially move everything you've purchased or are currently renting. Play movies and TV in its new home. Something you need to know is that access to your content depends on the hardware you own.

For example, if you have an Android TV or streaming device, you can find your purchases “in the Your Library row on the Store tab.” People who own a cable or set-top box powered by Android TV will need to open the YouTube app and then go to the Movies & TV section. Media is under the Purchased tab. In web browsers it's the same process: go to YouTube and go to Movies & TV in your account.

Also, the previous post mentions that you can watch content in the Google TV mobile app. It doesn't say exactly where people can find their media, but if we had to grope in the dark, it will most likely be under Your Stuff.

A small limitation

There are not many restrictions. One of them is the fact that the ability to buy or rent movies on YouTube is not available everywhere in the world. It's only in a few regions. A full list of supporting countries can be found at Google help website. It's worth mentioning some online reports claim that they have already received the patch, as they “already see buying old movies” on YouTube, so the release may happen sooner than expected.

We've reached out to Google asking for clarification on the rollout. For example, are certain countries given priority? Furthermore, what should happen if someone receives the update earlier than January 17? Does this mean they will no longer have access to their purchases until then? If they respond, we'll let you know what the company says.

Check out Ny Breaking's list of the best Android boxes of 2023 if you're looking for a way to upgrade your TV.

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