Google DeepMind Employees Protest US Military and Defense Contracts

Nearly 200 employees of Google DeepMind, the company’s AI research arm, have signed a letter calling on the company to end contracts with military organizations.

The letter of May 16, revealed by TIMEhighlights the growing concern within the organization about the ethical implications of using AI technology for digital warfare.

The signatories represent about 5% of DeepMind’s workforce and are citing the company’s contracts to provide AI and cloud computing services to several governments, including the Israeli military under Project Nimbus.

Google employees are concerned about their AI being used in warfare

The employees argue that such involvement violates Google’s own AI principles, which state that the company will not pursue AI applications that cause “public harm” or contribute to weaponization and surveillance.

While the letter does not specifically mention a geopolitical conflict, it does reference reports claiming that Israeli military operations are using AI for surveillance and targeting.

While DeepMind has historically had a policy against using its technology for military purposes, the company has become increasingly involved with Google’s broader operations since its acquisition in 2014, leading to closer ties to military contracts.

Despite the demands in the letter, which include a review of DeepMind’s technology used by military customers and the creation of a new governing body, Google has yet to take decisive action. Ny Breaking The company has asked for comment on the internal letter from staff, but has not yet received an immediate response.

One of the signatories of the letter expressed his displeasure with Google’s response to the complaint. TIMEin which he states that the company’s statement about Project Nimbus is “so specifically non-specific that we all don’t know what it really means.”

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