Gogglebox Australia stars breakdown in tears after watching emotional Netflix documentary on free-diving

Gogglebox Australia stars burst into tears after watching an emotional Netflix documentary about freediving

Gogglebox stars Adam and Symon broke down watching the emotional Netflix documentary The Deepest Breath about freediving this week.

The banking critics were left in tears after seeing the heartbreaking doco.

The film tells the story of Irish safety diver Stephen Keenan, who lost his life trying to save his girlfriend, Italian professional freediver Alessia Zecchini.

“That’s terrifying,” Adam and Symon said when one of Alessia’s first dives was shown, where she swam 50 meters to the bottom of the ocean without any safety equipment or oxygen.

Meanwhile, the Dalton family’s Matt said it’s “the most stressful sport” he’s ever seen in his life.

Gogglebox Australia stars Adam and Symon (pictured) broke down while watching an emotional Netflix documentary about freediving

The thrilling doco tells Stephen and Allesia’s childhood stories and takes viewers back to when they met and started training together.

It was always Alessia’s dream to do a free dive at the Arch of Dahab in Egypt, also known as The Blue Hole.

The dangerous dive site has claimed more than 130 lives in recent years, and this is where Stephen sadly lost his life after rescuing Alessia.

The banking critics were left in tears after watching the heartbreaking documentary called The Deepest Breath

It tells the story of Irish safety diver Stephen Keenan, who lost his life trying to save his girlfriend, Italian professional freediver Alessia Zecchini (both pictured).

In the documentary, the narrator and interviewees talk about both Stephen and Alessia in the past tense, leading viewers to think they both die.

Gogglebox star Leanne said, “I feel like something is going wrong,” while Tim replied, “I don’t like how everything is pronounced in the past tense.”

The banking critics became very sad when Stephen died at the end of the film.

He lost his life after Alessia tried to dive The Blue Hole and he was her safety diver.

Things went horribly wrong when a twenty-second delay resulted in Stephen not meeting Alessia underwater, where he had to help her with an underwater rope.

When she couldn’t find the rope, she swam the wrong way, but Stephen followed her and led her back to the surface.

The professional TV viewers, including mother and daughter Kerry and Izzy (pictured), became very upset when Stephen died at the end of the film.

Stephen lost his life after Alessia tried to dive The Blue Hole, and he was her safety diver

He first made sure she made amends, and while she was brought back to life, unfortunately he wasn’t and died on the way to the hospital.

The Gogglebox stars were very emotional when they heard about Stephen’s bravery and love for Alessia.

“He could have turned around and gone back upstairs, but he chose to stay and look for her,” Symon said, while Adam replied, “He sacrificed his life for her.”

A very emotional Tim then said, “If that’s not the definition of a hero, giving your life for someone else…”

The Gogglebox stars were very emotional when they heard about Stephen’s bravery and love for Alessia

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