Gogglebox Australia star Yvie Jones reflects on ’embarrassing and shameful’ moment she refused to be weighed on I’m A Celebrity

Yvie Jones reflects on the powerful moment she refused to be hassled on I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here! Australia.

At the time, the Gogglebox Australia star shared a powerful speech in which she revealed her battle with an eating disorder and slammed the show’s decision to monitor the weights of the show’s participating celebrities.

“I saw the numbers and I was the only one in triple figures,” the 51-year-old told the podcast Well Enough Alone – A Guide to a Successful Solo Career this week.

‘All I saw was double figures and I was at the bottom. I thought they wrote us down like this, from thinnest to fattest,” Yvie continued.

“What really affected me at the time, and I’ve never spoken about this publicly, was Angie [Kent] was at the top and she only weighed 52 kg, and I was at the bottom and I weighed 112 kg. So that’s more than double her.

“It was just so downright embarrassing and shameful. Are they doing this to bond with me? These are the things that were going on in my head.”

Yvie said she was concerned about how her message would be received, but ultimately it was for the greater good.

“I knew enough about TV to know that if I did it right, I could make this powerful enough to help just one woman. Just one woman, that’s all I wanted to do,” she said.

Yvie Jones (pictured) has revisited the powerful moment she refused to be weighed in on I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here! Australia

“When I finished, everyone was clapping. The crew was behind me and I turned to look at them and they were all crying, and most of them were men… It was a really defining moment.”

The powerful episode came during the 2018 season of the jungle-based reality show.

Yvie refused to be weighed and instead used the platform to talk about her eating disorder for the first time.

She broke down when she spoke about body image and how she “wished we lived in a different world where what we look like doesn’t matter.”

During the weigh-in, Yvie announced that she would not participate. She told her campmates, “I have suffered from an eating disorder most of my life.

1719739281 177 Gogglebox Australia star Yvie Jones reflects on embarrassing and shameful

“I saw the numbers and I was the only one in triple figures,” the 51-year-old said. “All I could see was double figures and me at the bottom, and I thought that’s how they wrote us, thinnest to thickest.” Pictured at the show in 2018

“I've never, ever talked about this in public.  Angie [Kent] I was at the top and she only weighed 52 kg, and I was at the bottom and I weighed 112 kg.  So that's more than double hers,” she said

“I have never, ever talked about this in public. Angie [Kent] was at the top and she was only 52 kg, and I was at the bottom and I was 112 kg. So that’s more than double her,” she said

‘I grew up in a house where I was told that being overweight was one of the worst things to be. I can’t tell you the last time I weighed myself.

‘I know a lot of people think they understand, but unless you’ve been overweight yourself, you don’t understand what it’s like to be judged solely on your weight and the clothes that don’t fit you properly.’

A year later, the reality revealed she “still struggles every day” with an eating disorder Go to Network’s Summer Breakfastduring an emotional conversation with Grant Denyer.

To inspire others, Yvie began: ‘I see myself as someone who still struggles with an eating disorder every day. I see it in the mirror, on TV and on the internet, from well-meaning professionals and non-professionals.’

She went on to say that she has now decided to ‘love herself after all’ and indicated that she talks to herself as she would talk to a vulnerable friend or child.

“Whenever you think something terrible and judgmental about someone – including yourself – always remember that the first thing your mind thinks is what society has taught us to be. The second thing is how you really feel,” she said.

‘Reprogram your mind, embrace yourself. We are so much more than what we see in the mirror.’

Yvie is best known for her role in the reality TV series Gogglebox Australia from 2015 to 2018. She has been friends with Angie Kent (left) for over a decade.

Yvie is best known for her role in the reality TV series Gogglebox Australia from 2015 to 2018. She has been friends with Angie Kent (left) for over ten years.