Glamour model who calls herself ‘Luscious Lorna’ dragged teaching assistant to ground, headbutted her and pulled out her hair after victim accused the mother-of-five’s children of bullying

A glamor model calling herself “Luscious Lorna” has escaped from prison after dragging a teaching assistant to the floor, headbutting her and pulling out strands of hair.

The single mother of five, 33-year-old Lorna Silcock, dragged Kayleigh Rutherford to the ground in a public park in Macclesfield, Cheshire, after the latter accused her children of ‘bullying’.

The attack took place over the Easter holiday in front of Miss Rutherford’s baby and 12-year-old daughter on April 10 last year.

The victim said the brutal attack left her “afraid” to leave her home and “unable to string together a punishment” due to the trauma of the ordeal.

However, a judge at Chester Crown Court sentenced Silcock to 14 weeks behind bars, with 18 months suspended, meaning she avoids jail.

A glamor model calling herself ‘Luscious Lorna’ has escaped prison after dragging a teaching assistant to the ground, headbutting her and pulling out strands of hair

Single mother of five Lorna Silcock (pictured), 33, dragged Kayleigh Rutherford to the ground in a public park in Macclesfield, Cheshire

Single mother of five Lorna Silcock (pictured), 33, dragged Kayleigh Rutherford to the ground in a public park in Macclesfield, Cheshire

Prior to the attack, Miss Rutherford, who works at a primary school in Macclesfield, had scolded Silcock’s children for teasing her daughter – but they replied, ‘Our mother is going to mistreat you.’

In a statement, the victim, who suffered a concussion, black eyes and a dislocated finger, said: ‘I felt unsafe leaving the house for fear of something like this happening again.

“It made me feel isolated. I have been sent home from work due to panic attacks and fear of leaving the house.

‘The children saw me crying after the abuse and for weeks I couldn’t string together a sentence. I kept forgetting what I was talking about. My daughter witnessed the attack as she screamed and cried. She’s still young and shouldn’t be going through something like this.

“She doesn’t want to see me go alone in case I get hurt again, she wants to take up boxing to defend herself and protect me. Every day I have felt totally run down, both mentally and emotionally, I just want to be myself again.”

At Chester Crown Court, Silcock, a Macclesfield beautician who models on the subscription website Exclusive Link, admitted assault causing actual bodily harm and was sentenced to 14 months in prison, suspended for 18 months with a requirement to complete 20 days of rehabilitative activity.

Her boyfriend Atlanta Hewitt, 30, also of Macclesfield who was pregnant at the time of the attack, was sentenced to 26 weeks, suspended for 12 months, along with 25 days of rehab.

Both were ordered to pay £100 in costs and were subject to a five-year restraining order prohibiting them from contacting Miss Rutherford.

Miss Rutherford (pictured) said the brutal attack left her 'afraid' to leave her home and 'unable to string together a punishment' due to the trauma of the ordeal

Miss Rutherford (pictured) said the brutal attack left her ‘afraid’ to leave her home and ‘unable to string together a punishment’ due to the trauma of the ordeal

Joanne Moore, prosecutor, said: ‘The whole incident appears to have begun at an earlier date when Miss Silcock’s children assaulted Miss Rutherford’s daughter. They messaged her and the messages got heated.

Miss Rutherford, who was with her baby, saw her eldest daughter, who is 12 years old, playing unaccompanied in the park and went to check on her because she had been assaulted a few days earlier.

When she got to the park, she recognized some of the teens who had abused the child and called her as **g.

When she approached her daughter, the teens said something and she said, “I’ll talk to your mom” — but they became abusive and she felt intimidated.

“They said, ‘Our mother is going to mistreat you,’ and at that point Miss Hewitt Silcock’s address comes out holding a baby, followed by Miss Silcock. Miss Hewitt went to Miss Rutherford and said to her face, “What’s your problem?”

Miss Moore said Hewitt then turned and handed the baby to someone standing behind her before going back to Miss Rutherford and then both women started attacking her.

“She was beaten repeatedly by one woman while the other woman punched and pulled her hair,” said Miss Moore.

At one point she fell to the ground. When she tried to stand up, she was kicked in the shoulder area by Hewitt. Silcock pressed her to the ground and put her leg over her neck.

Atlanta Hewitt (pictured), 30, also of Macclesfield, who also participated in the attack, was sentenced to 26 weeks, 12 months probation and 25 days of rehab

Atlanta Hewitt (pictured), 30, also of Macclesfield, who also participated in the attack, was sentenced to 26 weeks, 12 months probation and 25 days of rehab

“Have you had enough yet?” she said. Then she headbutted her. When she tried to get up, she felt Hewitt kick her in the side and punch her on the head. Miss Silcock was still on top of her.

Her hand was on the top of her neck. She bit down to try and get her off. It is then that she remembers Miss Silcock being pulled off her.

Miss Rutherford was taken to her mother’s address for help and later went to the emergency room. She had a concussion, bruises on her face, a broken ring finger on her left hand that needed repair. She also needs hand therapy.

“She was suffering from hair loss from hair pulling. When she made an initial statement about the attack, she said it affected her life. She said she hadn’t eaten or slept well. She was afraid to go into the park.

She said her 12-year-old daughter witnessed the incident. Putting on a brave face, she said she knew it had hit her.

She said other children were affected by witnessing the bruises on her face. It affects her father and mother. Her mother had recently had a heart attack and this made her even more anxious.

“A witness described that Miss Rutherford was effectively assaulted. She described how Silcock ran out of the house and that both she and Hewitt attacked and knocked her to the ground, punching, kicking and head-butting her. She saw Miss Rutherford punched several times in the face.

“There were countless children around when Miss Rutherford was attacked. She had her baby in a stroller and her 12-year-old child was also present. The effects of this are still going on, especially since, unfortunately, other people have taken it upon themselves to berate her in the street for going to court.”

Silcock is a Macclesfield-based esthetician who models on the subscription website Exclusive Link

Silcock is a Macclesfield-based esthetician who models on the subscription website Exclusive Link

Soothing for Silcock, who has three girls and two boys aged between 16 and six, lawyer Nicholas Kerruish-Jones said: ‘This incident should not have happened, but feelings were running high in part of Miss Silcock.

“There was a problem that worried her kids and it’s fair to say that her emotions got the better of her.

She says she’s sorry. She didn’t want to get involved in a fight with Miss Rutherford, but things got out of hand.”

At sentencing, Judge Miss Recorder Karen Ridge said, “Miss Rutherford was dragged to the floor, had her hair pulled, she was punched in the face, which left her with significant bruising, and she was head-butted. All this took place in the presence of her baby and daughter.

“It must have been a really frightening experience for those who witnessed this incident. The force used was unlawful and cannot be excused in any way. Miss Rutherford was hit and is hit to this day.’