Girl, 11, is brutally beaten at NYC’s Mark Twain Intermediate School for the Gifted and Talented – with bullies posting ‘stylized’ videos of the attack on TikTok

A bully will return to one prestigious school in New York, where she carried out a vicious attack on a smaller girl, whose father overturned the policy allowing the alleged attacker back into the classroom.

The shocking attack was caught on film, with cheerful friends taking out their phones to capture the moment the attacker walked up to the 11-year-old before punching and kicking her repeatedly as she lay in the street.

Stylized videos celebrated the attack outside the Mark Twain Intermediate School for the Gifted and Talented, with slow motion replays and laughing emojis adding to the humiliation.

But the attacker only received a suspension from the Brooklyn school, while the victim has now been given a staff 'bodyguard' to escort her around the premises.

“Imagine knowing you can dislike someone, harass them, plan an attack, film it and spread the evidence,” the victim's father said.

Student laughed and filmed as 11-year-old was approached from behind and knocked to the ground in front of shocked pedestrians

Student laughed and filmed as 11-year-old was approached from behind and knocked to the ground in front of shocked pedestrians

Fifty-five percent of students think bullying happens “most or all of the time” at the Brooklyn school, according to

Fifty-five percent of students think bullying happens “most or all of the time” at the Brooklyn school, according to

“Then your victim has to go and you can continue terrorizing other children,” said the distraught father. 'If this continues, it will become more of a youth prison than a G&T school.'

The Coney Island school has a 99 percent pass rate in math, English, social studies and science.

But 55 percent of students think bullying happens “usually or always,” according to

The girl's father said his daughter had been targeted by the unnamed bully and her friends at the school since she joined in September. New York Post.

The school offered “wellness check-ins” and “restorative mediation” sessions after the Oct. 20 attack, including a sit-down session between the girl and her tormentor.

That further infuriated the bully, who continued her abuse online and vowed to resume the violence upon her return.

Messages were scrawled on a bathroom stall labeling the little girl a “dirty whore” and “fat as f***,” while a TikTok page called “Mark Twain Gossip” attacked her for expelling students and her called a 'b'. ****' and 'stupid**.'

Police are investigating the attack after videos were uploaded to TikTok with captions such as “THE SMACK WAS MAD LOUD” and “my sister pranked her.”

But New York public schools are governed by the city's Department of Education Regulation A-450, which is designed to minimize evictions.

While recognizing that a school principal may “pursue an involuntary transfer,” she emphasizes that “every effort should be made to minimize disruption to the student's education.”

However, the school seemed eager to disrupt the victim's education by offering a “safety transfer” to another school.

Another parent at the school took her up on the offer last year after her daughter was the victim of 'nightmarish' bullying by the same people.

By the end, her daughter was having lunch with teachers, doing remote learning and needing therapy.

1701720296 188 Girl 11 is brutally beaten at NYCs Mark Twain Intermediate

“Imagine knowing you can dislike someone, harass them, plan an attack, film it and spread the evidence,” the victim's father said. 'Then your victim must leave and you can continue terrorizing other children'

The victim lay helpless on the street as her attacker bombarded her with punches and kicks

The victim lay helpless on the street as her attacker bombarded her with punches and kicks

“I didn't even recognize her anymore,” the mother told The Post.

“There are no consequences for the bullies,” she added.

“It was like, to be successful, you have to destroy whoever you think is the big competition.”

A DOE spokesperson said the agency took immediate action following the incident.

“Bullying has absolutely no place in our school communities, and we take any report of bullying extremely seriously,” it added.

Ny has reached out to the DOE for more information about the incident and the district's policies.