Getting a Hair Transplant in Turkey: How Many Days Should You Stay?

Are you thinking about traveling to Turkey for a hair transplant? This is a popular option for men and women that want to reduce baldness and hair thinning. Indeed, there are many experienced surgeons in Turkey, as well as at more affordable prices. But, there is one popular question that many people want to know the answer to. How long do you have to stay in Turkey after the surgery?

Indeed, if you are busy at work or have other responsibilities, you probably do not want to be away from home longer than you need to be. So, here is a guide on getting a hair transplant in Turkey and what you should expect.

Understand the Process

First of all, it is essential that you understand the process of getting a hair transplant in Turkey. Indeed, there are now many advanced ways to tackle baldness and hair thinning. This means that the recovery time is faster than it used to be.

For example, you can take a look at the advanced treatments offered by Dr Yaman. He is an experienced surgeon in Turkey that has many satisfied patients. Indeed the Dr Yaman hair transplant methods mean that you can generally return to your work in just a few days. If you work outdoors, this can be in seven days.

Therefore, know that most people will return to working within a few days of having a hair transplant. Indeed, you are safe to travel, as long as the surgery has gone well. But, you might benefit from making your trip to Turkey a mini vacation. This can make it more relaxing for you.

Consider A Mini Vacation

People that are traveling all the way to Turkey for a hair transplant tend to make this trip a mini vacation. If you are in a position where you are able to work remotely or take this vacation time, it is recommended for your recovery. Here are some reasons why you might want to do this.

To Avoid Stress

It can be scary going to a new country for a hair transplant. This is a surgery and you might be nervous about the whole process. So, the thought of traveling straight back on a plain afterwards might not be something you like the idea of. This is why it might be best to stay for a few days in Turkey. You can avoid this type of stress and make sure you can decompress after the surgery.

To Manage Your Symptoms

You have to remember that everybody is going to react to this surgery differently. Some people might have minimal swelling and be comfortable jumping on a plane straight away. But, others might feel discomfort from the swelling or be self-conscious about others seeing their hair transplant. If this is the case, you might want to enjoy a mini vacation. You can relax and manage your symptoms before going home. In particular, this can let some of the swelling go down.

To Explore a New Country

Going to Turkey can be exciting; you are in a new country and you might want to make the most of this time traveling. Indeed, this is another reason why you may want to stay a few extra days. You can be a tourist in Turkey and see some of the most popular sights. Indeed, it does not have to be all work and no play when you are there.

Just remember that your scalp should not be out directly in the sun. So, you will need to be conscious of this when you are out exploring Turkey. After all, you want to take care of your transplant and make sure you achieve the best results.

To Make the Most of the Package

Remember that most clinics in Turkey know they are going to get patients from other countries. So, in order to be more accommodating and make the process easier for those visiting, they release packages. This means that you are going to have a lot of your trip organized for you when you get a hair transplant. It can include your transfers and accommodation.

Therefore, you want to make the most of the package on offer. You might find that the hotel is booked for several nights after the treatment. If this is the case, you do not want to pass up this opportunity. It is part of the package and you want to get your money’s worth.