Georgia county commissioner Felicia Franklin shown PASSED OUT in the streets before hurling abuse at medics in an ambulance, body cam video shows

This is the moment a Georgia county commissioner was found unconscious on the sidewalk by police before she became unruly with medics trying to provide her care.

The September incident was captured on stunning bodycam footage and recently released. In the video, police find Felicia Franklin, vice chair of the Clayton County Board of Commissioners, outside a sports bar. She is then loaded into an ambulance, where she screams, hits and is uncooperative with the medics providing care.

Video of an interview with police a few days after the incident shows officers telling Franklin they had evidence she had consumed five drinks, despite her claims that she had only had a glass of wine and a cocktail.

Franklin had claimed she used a date rape drug and said she had a “very personal and disturbing experience.”

But police have contradicted her story, saying there was no sign of the drug in her system and that she tested positive for alcohol and cannabis instead.

She has since been removed from her role as vice chair after the incident came to light, but she remains an elected official for the province.

Commissioner Felicia Franklin was found unconscious on the street by officers in September

Franklin had attended an event on the evening of September 29, when police found her unconscious on the ground outside the 404 Sports Bar and Grill, in Morrow., Georgia.

Franklin was voted out of her position as vice chairman in late October

Franklin was voted out of her position as vice chairman in late October

Police bodycam footage shows her screaming and crying, at one point shouting “I don’t know what they gave me” before she starts swearing at the emergency services.

Staff had to strap her to an ambulance bed and restrain her hands as she became increasingly violent.

At other times she would shout at them to ‘get the f*** out of my face’ and ask them to get her mother.

After the video emerged, Franklin was voted out of her position as vice chairman on October 23, with Chairman Jeff Turner saying: ‘The video spoke for itself. What more can we say?

“We represent the citizens of Clayton County, and we need to make sure we present ourselves in a way that our citizens will be proud of us.”

Franklin reportedly called the move illegal during the meeting to vote her out, and said she would run for the seat of board chair.

Franklin said on Facebook at the time: “Medical professionals believe I was drugged with a GHB pill, commonly known as the “date rape pill,” and this incident has shocked me to my core.

Police checked her identity card to determine who she was

Police checked her identity card to determine who she was

They had to help her off the floor and onto a stretcher before loading her into an ambulance

They had to help her off the floor and onto a stretcher before loading her into an ambulance

“I will work closely with authorities to ensure justice is served, and I will also advocate for better security measures at events like these.”

“No one should have to go through what I went through, and I want to thank you all for your support during this challenging time.”

Sergeant Scott Stewart of the Morrow Police Department told Fox 5, “We found no evidence to support that she was in fact drugged with GHB.”

They said they watched a video of Franklin walking into the 404 Sports Bar & Grill alone and ordering several drinks. They added: ‘She probably drank 3.5 drinks out of 4 drinks, and then a swig of beer.’

Video interviews with police show the moment police confront her with receipts and tell her she had more than the two drinks she claimed.

She replied, “I didn’t have five drinks… I had five drinks? I don’t remember having five drinks.’

When police showed her the bar’s receipt, she said, “I didn’t even order food, other people had this, I didn’t drink that.”

Investigators said they could find no evidence that anyone had tampered with her drinks and claimed a toxicology report found cannabis in her system.

She was in a state of extreme distress and verbally abused officers as they tried to help her

She was in a state of extreme distress and verbally abused officers as they tried to help her

Stewart said: ‘She refused a blood test, but she did undergo a urinalysis, which turned up positive for cannabinoids, also known as cannabis.’

The 404 Sports Bar and Grill shared a statement saying, “We assure you that the safety and well-being of our customers has always been and will remain our top priority.

“The recent police investigation was an unfortunate and unforeseen event, but we are grateful for the quick response and thorough investigation conducted by the authorities. We are pleased to inform you that the matter has been resolved.’ reached out to Clayton County and Franklin for comment.