Georges Hall, Sydney: Suburban screaming match over Alex the dog ends with tragic scenes as onlookers reveal brutal mauling’s aftermath

Relatives broke down in tears as council guards raided a suburban home and tranquilized an American Akita dog that mauled a man, sparking a furious row in the suburbs.

Video captured the moment the dog bite victim vowed revenge as he was wheeled away by paramedics after the attack on a house in Georges Hall, south-west Sydney, on Thursday evening.

Police were forced to intervene to separate two screaming groups as medics tried to rush the victim to hospital as he shouted: ‘Watch out when I get out… watch out!’

“Pull the fuck up!”

Daily Mail Australia understands the man was attacked by a male American Akita, believed to be named Alex, belonging to the Adhami family, in the backyard of their home.

The dog was whisked away by park rangers – one touting a stun gun – in harrowing scenes that left the family visibly distraught on Friday.

A wild row broke out outside a family home after a man was viciously attacked by a dog (pictured: man screams from his stretcher)

Council rangers have tranquilized an American Akita dog after it mauled the man, who then vowed revenge on its owners as he was wheeled into an ambulance.

The tranquilized dog (photo) was carried on a stretcher by two men and placed in a trailer to be taken to the town hall

The distraught family of the dog owner (pictured) cried as the animal was tranquilized and led away from Georges Hall home by council officers on Friday morning.

Neighbors said the large, muscular husky-like dog with a thick woolly coat was rarely seen outside the house, but they often heard its deep, menacing bark.

“He once escaped through the front door and ran away,” a neighbor said. “I thought it was quite intimidating when I saw it, but it didn’t amount to much.”

On Friday morning, community guards arrived with a stun gun and were led to the home’s backyard, where the dog could be heard barking.

Moments later, the barking stopped and the stunned dog was carried on a stretcher by two men and placed in a trailer to be taken to the town hall.

The victim of the attack has not been named, but the 30-year-old man is said to have suffered deep bites to his left hand and left leg during the attack.

A 58-year-old woman was also bitten on the hand during the incident.

Tempers flared between the dog owner’s family and bystanders as medics treated the victim at the bungalow at around 7.45pm before taking him to Liverpool Hospital.

“Stay the fuck away,” a woman in white shouted as another woman ran towards her.

The second woman, dressed in black, continued walking towards the woman in white until a man grabbed her arm and said, “Shut your damn mouth.” Quiet!’

Council rangers used a rifle to shoot a tranquilizer dart at the American Akita to overpower him

Neighbors said the large, muscular husky-like dog with a thick, woolly coat was rarely seen outside the house, but they often heard its deep, menacing bark.

A few police officers then squeezed between the two women and separated the groups again.

The woman in black kept shouting, ‘What was he (the dog) doing outside?

“Damn, know your place.”

As the man was taken away by paramedics, he again shouted at the bystanders and pointed his finger at them.

A woman shouted back, “Shut up. It is your fault.’

But he fired back again: ‘Watch out when I get out, watch out. You’re a stupid bitch.’

On Friday, neighbors watched silently as municipal guards collected the animal to take away.

Officers had to separate the feuding groups several times

A woman wearing fluffy slippers cried as she said goodbye to the dog that lay unconscious in the council van before it was driven away.

The family in the middle of the row was supported by their neighbor as the drama unfolded. They declined to comment, adding only: “It’s too traumatic.”

A family member later told Daily Mail Australia: “There is no show. It’s a personal matter.’

Other neighbors said they only saw the police cars and ambulances rushing to the scene and saw nothing of the dog attack.

“I didn’t even see the dog,” said a neighbor. ‘I just heard him barking, every day he barked. It sounded like a really big dog.”

The American Akita was bred to hunt bears and has a reputation for being a good family dog, but does not get along well with other dogs and is known to be cautious and aloof around strangers

On Friday morning, city guards arrived with a stun dart gun and took the unconscious dog into the trailer at the back of the photo.

Traumatized family members and neighbors declined to comment Friday morning

Another said he saw the explosion between the dog’s owners and the victim’s relatives but didn’t know the background to the incident, admitting: ‘It got a little heated.

‘We are quite private on this street and give each other space. We are all friendly and say hello to each other, but we don’t interfere in each other’s business.’

A spokesperson for Canterbury-Bankstown Council said their rangers were investigating the dog’s future and had spoken to the dog’s owner and neighbours.

The council confirmed that the male American Akita was microchipped but not registered with them.

“The dog has been voluntarily surrendered and transported to a shelter pending further investigation,” the spokesperson told Daily Mail Australia.

‘We have checked our records and there have been no reports of previous incidents involving this dog.

A spokesperson for Canterbury-Bankstown Council said their rangers were working with police to investigate the dog’s future and had spoken to the dog’s owner and neighbours.

“We are working closely with the police and once the investigation is complete, appropriate action will be taken.”

The American Akita has a reputation for being a good family dog, but does not get along well with other dogs and is known to be cautious and aloof with strangers.

It was originally bred by the Japanese to hunt bears and its powerful jaws are said to be many times stronger than those of even an American pit bull.

He is bred for cold conditions with a very thick double coat and can weigh up to 60 kg.

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