George Soros, 93, takes a dip in Barbados with the help of four-man entourage just months after billionaire hedge fund manager and philanthropist handed reins of his $25B empire to son Alex

Billionaire philanthropist George Soros has been spotted taking a dip in Barbados with the help of four men after handing over the government of his empire to his son.

The 93-year-old was spotted swimming with a large entourage on a beach in Bridgetown, the island country's capital.

The financier appeared relaxed as he lay back on a lounge chair on the beach while sheltering from the sun.

After entering the water, a group of men helped the Hungarian-born businessman back to his lounger, where the billionaire could continue to relax.

It comes after Soros handed control of his $25 billion empire to his son Alex, who vowed to use the family's money to advocate for more far-left causes.

The 93-year-old was spotted swimming with a large entourage on a beach in Bridgetown, the island country's capital

The billionaire financier and liberal lion appeared happy as he relaxed in Bridgetown, Barbados

The billionaire financier and liberal lion appeared happy as he relaxed in Bridgetown, Barbados

The 93-year-old was also spotted taking a dip in the water with members of his entourage

The 93-year-old was also spotted taking a dip in the water with members of his entourage

The 37-year-old heir said this Wall Street Journal he will broaden his father's woke goals, but embrace several causes such as voting rights, abortion rights and gender equality.

“I'm more political,” Alex said, comparing himself to his father. He has visited the White House fourteen times in just over a year and met with major Democrats.

Speaking about his goals, Alex said he was concerned about the possibility of Republican Donald Trump returning to the White House – suggesting the family will make a major contribution to Democrats in the 2024 presidential election.

“As much as I would like to get money out of politics, as long as the other side is doing it, we're going to have to do it too,” he said.

In December last year, the OSF board elected Alex as chairman, replacing his 93-year-old father.

He now directs political activities as president of Soros' super PAC and is the only family member on the investment committee that oversees Soros Fund Management, the group that oversees money for the foundation.

Soros' nonprofit organization, Open Society Foundation, already spends about $1.5 billion a year on groups that support human rights and build democracies around the world, while also funding several universities.

The family's super political action committee (PAC), the Democracy PAC, has supported the campaigns of woke prosecutors and other officials who want to reduce incarceration rates and perceived racial bias in the justice system.

After entering the water, a group of men helped him back to his lounger, where the billionaire could continue to relax

After entering the water, a group of men helped him back to his lounger, where the billionaire could continue to relax

Soros handed control of his $25 billion empire to his son Alex, who promised to use the family's money to advocate for more far-left causes

Soros handed control of his $25 billion empire to his son Alex, who promised to use the family's money to advocate for more far-left causes

In December last year, the OSF board elected Alex as chairman, replacing his 93-year-old father

In December last year, the OSF board elected Alex as chairman, replacing his 93-year-old father

Alex was considered a gamble to take over his family fortune, with many people close to the Soros believing his older half-brother, Jonathan, 52, would take the reins.

Jonathan is a lawyer with a financial background, who worked for a time at the foundation and stabilized the Soros hedge fund during turbulent times.

Alex, meanwhile, had been known for his flamboyant lifestyle for years, picking up models and befriending NBA legends.

But somewhere along the way, Alex gained his father's trust by replacing George on trips to the organization's offices around the world.

Soros has thrown millions behind the liberal prosecutor, either directly or through political action committees.

The billionaire prosecutors have abolished bail laws and opted to forgo prosecution of crimes like theft and reckless driving, effectively giving criminals a free pass and leading to the breakdown of law and order in the United States .

As a result, crime has skyrocketed in major cities overseen by Soros's prosecutors. In 2021, under Kim Foxx's administration, Chicago had the most homicides since 1994.

The elder Soros is seen here with his son Alex, who formally took control of his family's inheritance earlier this year

The elder Soros is seen here with his son Alex, who formally took control of his family's inheritance earlier this year

Soros has funded the campaigns of dozens of liberal prosecutors in the US.  He has defended this by saying America should invest less in prisons and more in other strategies that he believes will reduce crime

Soros delivers a speech on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting, on January 23, 2020 in Davos, Switzerland

Soros delivers a speech on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting, on January 23, 2020 in Davos, Switzerland

And in Philadelphia, drug use and violent crime have increased since Larry Krasner came to power.

Earlier this year, Soros hit back at conspiracy theories claiming he funded New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Bragg announced in April that he had sued Donald Trump for falsifying New York corporate records to conceal alleged illegal activities.

Soros has become a hate figure for Trump and his allies, but Soros hit back and denied any involvement.

He said: “As for Alvin Bragg, I have not actually contributed to his campaign and I do not know him.

“I think some on the right would rather focus on far-fetched conspiracy theories than serious charges against the former president.”

Soros was also an outspoken opponent of President George W. Bush and donated millions to hinder his re-election.

He later also donated heavily to the presidential campaigns of Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton.