George Santos Said Jeffrey Epstein Was ‘Killed’ And They Met A ‘Couple’ Times In 2020 Interview


Beleaguered New York Republican Rep. George Santos once said he believed Jeffrey Epstein had been “murdered” and claimed the same could happen to Ghislaine Maxwell while in US custody, in a recently resurfaced interview.

Santos told The Rory Sauter Show in August 2020 that he had met the late pedophile a “couple” of times, describing him as a “cordial gentleman.”

Epstein committed suicide while awaiting court proceedings in a New York City jail after he was indicted on sex trafficking and other charges in 2019.

His death has sparked conspiracy theories that he was killed to protect more powerful people who were involved in his alleged child-trafficking rings.

Pressed by the far-right host on the theory that Epstein was still alive, Santos maintained that he was assassinated, but added that “anything can happen” in this day and age.

Beleaguered Republican Rep. George Santos called the late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein a ‘cordial gentleman’ in a recently resurfaced 2020 interview

The freshman congressman admitted to lying about his educational and professional credentials and fabricating details about his heritage. Since then, he has faced increasing scrutiny as more of his backstory is revealed.

Among the latest revelations is that his mother was not at the World Trade Center in New York City during the 9/11 terrorist attacks, as he had claimed, but was instead in Brazil, his home country.

But in the 2020 interview, Santos said without elaborating that his mother had “fled socialism in Europe.”

Towards the end of her interview, Santos was asked about Maxwell’s incarceration in a New York jail, to which she vociferously called for her to be sent outside the country’s borders.

Santos claimed they had seen each other a ‘couple’ times, saying: ‘Who would know that guy has an island that sex-trafficks little girls and boys, for the pleasure of Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton?’

“She should be placed offshore where no one of the big shots in the United States has a clue where she is,” he said.

‘She must be offered the protection of…foreign custody, lest she be murdered like Epstein was, and go to her grave with all the dirty secrets of the higher-ups in control of this country. ‘

Santos added that he is “not a great conspiracy theorist.”

Pressed on the theory that Epstein was still alive, he finally seemed to admit: “Look, it’s 2020. I’ve seen the strangest, unthinkable, unimaginable thing happen this year.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s still walking around and then we’re all like, ‘Oh my gosh, that guy’s alive,’ and we can’t tell.” So you know what? It’s 2020, anything can happen.

But Santos maintained his belief that the disgraced billionaire was murdered, while revealing that they had come face to face as they questioned the circumstances of his death.

He said Epstein’s ex-girlfriend and accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell, “should be offered the protection of… foreign custody, so she doesn’t get murdered like Epstein did, and she doesn’t go to her grave with all the dirty secrets of the superiors”. rises in control of this country’

“I met Epstein at a couple of private equity conferences,” Santos said. He’s six foot two and the guy was taller than me. There’s no way you can hang yourself from a bunk at that height.

When asked what Epstein was like in person, Santos first said that he “didn’t really get to know a good feeling for the guy,” but seemed to praise his character for what little he claimed to know.

“As for me, I have my, you know, my coffee, hello and goodbye, a two-minute conversation standing by a pastry table, having coffee, he was a very nice person,” Santos said.

“I’m not saying he’s a nice person, and especially after all that’s been in the media, but you know, a very nice guy, a very warm and friendly gentleman.”

He added: “Who would know that guy has an island that sex-trafficks girls and boys, to satisfy the pleasure of Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton?”

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