Awkward moment pregnant mother is left in tears after discovering she’s having a third son – after dreaming for years of having a ‘mini me’ daughter to dress up

This is the awkward moment a mum was left in tears at her gender reveal when she found out she was having a boy.

Nicole Smith and her fiancé Ryan*, from Dover, Delaware, had an intimate gender reveal with some close friends using colored cupcakes when she realized she was having a third son.

The 29-year-old had suffered seven IVF miscarriages, but admits she was hoping for a little girl to balance out the all-boy household.

The mother-of-two is seen biting into the cupcake with her partner before realizing the inside is blue and bursting into tears.

While Nicole adores her three-year-old son and nine-year-old stepson, she had envisioned having a girl as a “mini-me” with whom she could “dress up” and share “dresses, bows and hairstyles” with quite a few people. then ‘playing in the mud’.

This Is the Awkward Moment Nicole Smith Burst into Crying When She Realized She Was Having Another Boy at Her Gender Reveal

Nicole, who works as an early intervention case manager for children with disabilities, says her emotions were running high as her tears quickly turned to happy crying.

After sharing the clip on TikTok, the mother claimed she received “a lot of negative comments telling her she was ungrateful,” which she said was “hurtful.”

She says she wouldn’t change anything to be a “boy mom” for the whole world and that she is “far from ungrateful.”

Nicole said: ‘I have a son and a stepson and I was really hoping to have a little girl of my own.

“I had it in my head that we were going to have a little girl, so once I bit into the cupcake I was a little surprised. Initially I was hoping to see some pink in it.

“I had this idea that I could have a little girl and share all the dresses, bows and hairstyles.

‘At the moment I like playing in the mud, but I was hoping that a little girl could save the house.

“I think it was that dream I had in my head that I made up that I was going to have a little mini-me. I kind of realized that this wasn’t going to happen again.

Nicole, 29, says ’emotions were high’ at the time as she had always dreamed of having a little girl to dress up

Nicole already has a three-year-old son and a nine-year-old stepson and says this was her last chance to have a girl (pictured with her family and fiancé Ryan)

“I got a little upset, emotions are obviously high.”

Nicole became pregnant after previously having seven IVF miscarriages.

She added that the reason she became so upset is because she has a genetic condition that means she can no longer have children – and this was her last chance to have a baby girl.

She said she “loves” being a boy mom, but found it “bittersweet” that she wouldn’t let a little girl dress up.

She continued, “Once I got really upset, I was even more upset because I was happy.

“I’m now beyond happy and excited to have another boy and be a boy mom forever, it just kind of caught me off guard.

‘I love being a boy mom. I was clearly made for a bunch of guys.

“I love being a boy mom, but it was just bittersweet that I wouldn’t get to have a little girl to dress up with.”

Nicole couldn’t help but burst into tears when she saw that the inside of the cupcake (pictured) was blue, which meant she was having another boy.

Nicole says it “caught her off guard,” but she quickly laughed about it and now thinks she might not even be able to handle having a little girl.

Nicole, whose baby is due in July, said: ‘When we finished the pictures we were just laughing.

‘We realized, ‘Why did we ever think we were going to have a girl? We have a bunch of boys.’

‘It may not have been exactly what we hoped for, but I can’t believe we’ve come this far and we’re going to have another baby.

“It made it all a little more real to know he had a gender, because we haven’t gotten that far in years.

‘The next day it dawned on me that I was 100% made to be a boy mom and I probably don’t want to take on all the things that come with being a woman.

“I felt happy and it dawns on me that this will be our future.”

Nicole organized the photo shoot with a few good friends and her best friend made the cupcakes especially for the occasion.

Those in the comments rushed to express their support, as mothers said they had also experienced ‘gender disappointment’

The mother posted the photos online for friends and family to see, but didn’t expect the video to go viral and be viewed more than three million times.

Nicole posted it online with the caption, “Hey, I only wanted one girl. I want to be surrounded by four guys for the rest of my existence. PS I’m so happy I have my boys, it just threw me off a bit.’

Those in the comments rushed to show their support, writing: ‘I was convinced I would be a boy mom because that’s all I imagined and I have three girls. Disappointment about gender is so real!’;

‘I found out yesterday that I’m having a second boy, I feel this’;

‘Gender disappointment is real, don’t let anyone make you feel bad! I did the same thing, but I couldn’t imagine my life without my boys.”

Despite receiving some ‘hurtful’ comments accusing her of being ‘ungrateful’, Nicole says she ‘wouldn’t change a thing for the world’.

Nicole said: “I didn’t expect this to go viral because I’m not a TikToker. It was really just for my friends and family to see.

‘The reaction online was quite hurtful. There have been many negative comments telling me that I am ungrateful.

Nicole’s baby is due in July and she says she’s now come to terms with being a ‘boy mom’

‘I am the furthest thing from ungrateful because I have lost many pregnancies. I’m so glad I have this.

‘It’s also good that thousands of mothers have said ‘the same thing happened to me’ and they cried.

‘It hurts for a few seconds because you’re imagining something that won’t happen again.

‘But once everything is settled, I know this was the intention and the other mothers say that too: they had a vision, but now they wouldn’t change anything for the world.

‘I’m going to enjoy every second of it. I love every second of my children and I wouldn’t change a thing.’

*Note: Names changed at the request of family.

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