Gender Inequality deters men from becoming teachers or nurses, study finds


So much for equality: Men are less likely to become elementary teachers or nurses because of gender bias, report finds

  • Men are much less likely to get jobs in hospitality fields like teaching and nursing
  • Discrimination and bullying they face because of their gender keeps them away
  • Rates of men in these types of fields has not grown since the late 1990s







Gender discrimination is preventing men from becoming elementary teachers and nurses, experts warn. 

They say that while women’s struggle to get into science, tech and engineering roles has been well-publicized, professional discrimination against males has not.

Biases against men in early education and healthcare are thought to be linked to a perception that women are more caring and less dangerous.

Two new studies published by the American Psychological Association today sought to gauge the impact of those stereotypes.

Men may be turned off from pursuing careers in fields like nursing and teaching if they fear bullying and discrimination, a new study finds

In one experiment with 296 participants in the US, one group read an article accurately describing research that showed school and health employers preferred a female applicant over a male one even if they had the same qualifications.

Another group read an article that claimed there was gender equality in early elementary education, and a control group didn’t read anything.

Men who read about male gender bias anticipated more discrimination in early elementary education and felt less sense of belonging, less positive and less interest in pursuing a career in that field. 

Female participants weren’t affected and reported similar responses across the different groups.

An experiment with 275 students at Skidmore College in New York had similar findings. The research was published online in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied.

Only three percent of US preschool and kindergarten teachers are men, and they often suffer more workplace bullying and are perceived to be less likable and trustworthy. 

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, men account for only 3 percent of preschool and kindergarten teachers and 13 percent of registered nurses in the US.

In prior research, the researchers claim that male nurses reported higher workplace bullying levels than female nurses.

Male early-elementary teachers have reported higher rates of discrimination and are perceived as less likable, less hirable and a greater safety threat to children than female teachers.

Lead researcher Corinne Moss-Racusin, an associate professor of psychology at Skidmore College, said: ‘There’s no evidence that men are biologically incapable of doing this work or that men and women are naturally oriented toward different careers.’

She added: ‘It’s a detriment to society if we keep slotting people into gendered roles and stay the course on gender-segregated career paths, regardless of whether those jobs are traditionally associated with women or men.

‘That’s a powerful way of reinforcing the traditional gender status quo.’

Nursing is known as a field where bullying occurs more frequently than in other workplaces. 

A 2015 study found that the number of men working in HEED fields did not increase from 1998 to 2013 – as the issue has largely gone unnoticed. 

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