Gay orgy sex drug overdose clergyman investigated by Polish police ‘plied friend with date-rape pills according to audio of panicking male prostitute’s 999 call’

A priest under investigation for organizing a gay orgy that left a man hospitalized after overdosing on erection pills is now said to have been looking for sex on Grindr and taking date-rape drugs.

Father Tomasz Zmarzły of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Angels in Poland had reportedly thrown a small party with a male prostitute and a friend at his apartment in the town of Dąbrowa Górnicza.

But when police and paramedics were denied entry after being called when one of the men collapsed, prosecutors launched an investigation into the priest for failing to help the unconscious man.

Now leaked recordings suggest the victim may have used the date rape pill known as GHB.

According to the Fakt newspaper, which received the recording, a man believed to be the male prostitute can be heard frantically talking to emergency services.

Father Tomasz Zmarzły (photo) from the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Angels in Poland had reportedly thrown a small party with a male prostitute and a friend in his apartment in the town of Dąbrowa Górnicza

Prosecutors have launched an investigation into Father Tomasz Zmarzły (pictured) after emergency services were denied access to the party venue where one of the men collapsed

In the phone call, the newspaper said he was heard sobbing: “He was so high… And they told me he wasn’t allowed to be touched! I tell them, check it, I lifted his head and he was frothing at the mouth….”

He was then heard to say: ‘There are bars on the doors, I don’t know why… they kicked me out, hurry up!

“Yeah, they used some DHB or something. Don’t know. Some GHB. And drops or something… I don’t know, send an ambulance here. And the police.’

When police and paramedics were finally allowed into the apartment, they found a naked man lying unconscious on the floor.

He was taken to hospital, where he later recovered and discharged himself.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Czesław Kurpiś said at the time: “The local prosecutor’s office is conducting proceedings for failing to provide assistance to a person whose life is in danger.”

It has now emerged that Father Zmarzły, who has since been suspended, was also looking for hook-ups on the gay dating app Grindr.

According to his former partner, who contacted local newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza, Zmarzły turned to the dating app after being unsure whether he would become a priest.

Father Tomasz Zmarzły (photo) is under investigation for organizing a gay orgy in which a man was hospitalized after an overdose of erection pills

It has now emerged that Father Zmarzły, who has since been suspended, was looking for hook-ups on the gay dating app Grindr

The former partner said: ‘At the end of his studies at the seminary, Tomek, aware of his homosexuality, hesitated whether to accept priestly ordination at all.

“He (continued) Grindr, but ultimately he decided to become a priest.”

Since then, local outrage has erupted in the strongly Catholic city. One man tried to burn down the church and ‘the faithful’ stopped their children from attending the service.

The local mayor has now severed ties with the church, which is overseen by the Diocese of Sosnowiec.

Mayor Arkadiusz Chęciński said on social media: ‘As a city we are known for our tolerance and respect for all religions and views.

‘However, due to recent messages from the diocese that negatively influence opinions about the city, the indignation of residents and the lack of a clear distance from these matters force me to take the unpleasant decision to suspend the city’s cooperation with the diocese of Sosnowiec to suspend until real corrective action is taken.’

The disgraced priest also faced a backlash from his colleagues.

A fellow clergy member said, “It’s time to stop pretending. Everyone in our community knew he had a big problem with sexuality.

“However, nothing was done to help him resolve the problem.”

According to his former partner, who contacted local newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza, Zmarzły turned to Grindr after being unsure whether he would become a priest.

Father Józef Augustyn from Krakow said: “For the priestly community this is a shameful and humiliating situation.

‘It is enough. I almost feel physical pain when I think about how young people, who sincerely struggle for the integrity of their conscience and human and spiritual maturity, read and interpret such scandals.”

Beleaguered Zmarzły is now on holiday in Turkey and says he is being ‘persecuted’.

In a letter to the newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza, he wrote: “I see it as a clear attack on the Church, including the clergy and the faithful, to humiliate its position, duties and mission.”

Meanwhile, lawyers say he could face a prison sentence of up to three years.

Referring to the leaked emergency recording, legal expert Marcin Kruszewski said: ‘It turns out they may have bigger problems than they thought.

‘Because not only does this conversation somewhat confirm that some of the men did not want to help a passed out male prostitute, but it could also turn out that they had illegal substances in their possession.

‘The mere possession of such illegal substances carries a prison sentence of up to three years.

‘It is also a criminal offense to give such substances to someone else.’

Prosecutor’s spokesman Waldemar Łubiniewski said: ‘Investigators have a record of the telephone call received by the emergency number.

“The evidence is still being analyzed.”

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