Gardening keeps the brain healthy in old age, groundbreaking new study by Edinburgh University shows

It is a hobby that concerns itself with caring for the growth and keeping shrubs that are often decades old in the best health.

Now, a new study has shown that gardening can help keep the brain healthy in old age.

Groundbreaking research by psychologists at the University of Edinburgh has followed hundreds of Scots and their lifestyles for almost a century.

And it has been found that time spent gardening up to the age of 80 can protect against the modern curse of dementia, regardless of wealth and education.

The paper – published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology – concludes: ‘The mentally stimulating nature of gardening, which remains relatively unexplored, could contribute to brain reserve even in old age.

The benefits of digging, weeding, planting and other gardening activities have been demonstrated in the new academic research.

‘These results identify a promising new line of research for understanding the lifestyle factors that can promote successful cognitive aging.’

Alzheimer Scotland described the findings as ‘encouraging’.

Gillian Councill, the charity’s head of brain health and innovation, said: ‘People often don’t realize the benefits gardening can bring.

‘Digging, planting and weeding will increase hand strength, which research has shown can improve brain health.

‘Growing your own food can help you eat healthier; another key factor.

‘And staying connected to other people is beneficial for brain health, so allotments are a great place to socialise, reducing loneliness and isolation.’

The research team collected data as part of a long-term study of brain function, the Lothian Birth Cohorts.

Children born in and around Edinburgh in 1921 were given an intelligence test at the age of eleven to measure their reasoning and arithmetic abilities.

Hundreds of them were then traced later in life around the turn of the century and took the exact same quiz when they were 79.

They also provided details about their lifestyle and carried out regular assessments of their brain health up to the age of 90.

Of the 467 people tested, almost 30 percent had never gardened in their lives, but 44 percent still did so regularly, even into old age.

The results showed a clear gap.

On average, the 280 people who often or sometimes gardened as retirees had better cognitive ability than they did at age 11.

But the 187 who had never or rarely gardened tended to have lower test scores than when they were children.

Dementia occurs when the brain degenerates incurably to the point where it has difficulty remembering, concentrating, and solving problems.

The disease now affects almost 100,000 Scots and is responsible for 13 percent of all deaths.

The risk of developing the disease is increased by an unhealthy lifestyle, but it is believed that keeping the brain active and getting enough sleep can help prevent this.

Dr. Janie Corley, lead author of the study, said that “the relationship between gardening and healthy cognitive aging has been largely overlooked.”

She added: ‘Taking part in gardening projects, learning about plants and general garden maintenance involves complex cognitive processes such as memory and executive functions.

‘Consistent with the ‘use it or lose it’ framework of cognitive functions, greater involvement in gardening may be directly linked to a lower risk of cognitive decline.’

Denis Barrett, 76, spends about 30 hours a week on his plot at Budhill & Springboig Allotments in Glasgow’s east end.

The retired car parts salesman said: ‘After a stressful career I am in the fresh air. I feel more relaxed; I sleep well, eat well and feel good.

‘But I understand why gardening also keeps the brain active. You have to have a plan and you take that plan home with you. I already have seeds on the way for next year.

‘And you learn something new every day.’

He added: ‘There’s nothing like the taste of something straight from the tree or the ground. It’s just like eating.’

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