Furious wife hacks off her husband’s penis ‘after he said another woman’s name during sex’


A furious woman chopped off her husband’s penis after he allegedly mentioned another woman’s name during sex.

The anonymous couple, from Baguio City in the Philippines, were having sex at home last week when the husband reportedly shouted the name of another woman.

His furious wife, 55, waited until he fell asleep before reportedly grabbing a 10-inch knife from the kitchen and chopping off his penis.

Police released photos showing the severed end and part of the shaft lying lifeless on the mattress, with blood spattered throughout.

Neighbors rushed to the aid of the screaming man and took him to the hospital, while Baguio city police officers arrested his wife, who did not try to escape.

The 55-year-old woman, originally from the Philippines, was detained at the Baguio City police station, where she was charged with suspicion of mutilation. Pictured: Photo of the 55-year-old woman accused of cutting off her husband’s penis while wearing Mickey Mouse pajamas

Image shows bloody knife used by woman to cut off husband's penis after he allegedly called another woman's name during sex

Image shows bloody knife used by woman to cut off husband’s penis after he allegedly called another woman’s name during sex

Spokesperson of the Baguio City Police Office said: “Suspectedly jealousy was the reason as the woman claimed her husband was a womanizer.

Officers found the bloody knife and severed penis at the crime scene.

According to local media, doctors tried to reattach the phallus, but were unable to do so.

Meanwhile, the woman was detained at the Baguio police station on suspicion of mutilation.

Police also released a photo of the woman, who appears to be wearing pink Mickey Mouse pajamas.

The furious woman told police: ‘My husband gave his mistress’ name, not mine. I was under the influence of alcohol, but I knew what I was doing.

“He knows he’s wrong too. He shouldn’t deny it, he shouldn’t try to lie that he didn’t do anything wrong. It’s so clear, because I see it.”

The woman added that she had wanted to accuse the man of adultery, but that she did not have sufficient evidence to do so.

Police said she will be charged with mutilation, a crime that carries a penalty of 12 to 40 years in prison in the Philippines.

An enraged woman cut off her husband's penis when he allegedly called another woman's name during sex. Photo shows the severed end of the man's penis on a mattress

An enraged woman cut off her husband’s penis when he allegedly called another woman’s name during sex. Photo shows the severed end of the man’s penis on a mattress