Furious judge lays in to killer boyfriend for his utter lack of remorse after he shot his girlfriend in the head demanding ‘is that the best you can do?’ as he jails him for 25 years

An irate judge has rebuked a killer friend for his utter lack of remorse after shooting his girlfriend in the head as she lay helpless in the street.

Judge Marvin Bagley sentenced Francisco Daniel Aguilar, now 18, to 25 years in prison for killing his 16-year-old girlfriend Jacqueline “Jacky” Nunez on Jan. 8 in Utah.

Aguilar was repeatedly asked why he executed Nunez, a sophomore at Piute High School, but he simply said without showing any emotion, “I acted stupid and out of anger.”

The furious judge replied, “Is that the best you can do?”, adding that explaining the grieving family was the least he could do.

He had previously pressured Aguilar about his motivation to kill Nunez, but the 18-year-old only said there was no justification for what he did.

Judge Marvin Bagley sentenced Francisco Daniel Aguilar, now 18, to 25 years in prison for the January 8 murder of his 16-year-old girlfriend Jacqueline “Jacky” Nunez (pictured) in Utah

Aguilar (right, left wearing black shirt, pictured above on the day he was sentenced) was repeatedly asked by Judge Bagley (left) why he executed Nunez, who was a sophomore at Piute High School, but said only without any display of emotion, “I acted stupidly and out of anger.” The furious judge replied, “Is that the best you can do?”, adding that explaining the grieving family was the least he could do.

Aguilar said he only intended to frighten his girlfriend with the gun, and not harm her. But the judge disputed Aguilar’s claims, saying he clearly showed premeditation by taking his father’s 9mm gun and bullets with him when he drove Nunez to a remote area about 200 miles south of Salt Lake City.

“We all know that, we just want to know the reason why,” the judge insisted.

“I acted impulsively, irrationally, out of anger and I regret it every day of my life,” Aguilar also told the court, where Nunez’s family and friends were present at the sentencing.

He also said he only intended to scare his girlfriend with the gun, and not harm her.

But the judge disputed Aguilar’s claims, saying he clearly showed premeditation by taking his father’s 9mm gun and bullets with him when he drove Nunez to a remote area about 200 miles south of Salt Lake City.

There, on Doc Springs Road about four miles north of Circleville, Utah, the couple got into a fight.

Nunez’s boyfriend, McKall Taylor, was concerned for her and arrived in the middle of the fight, the paper said Sun. Nunez tried to leave with her, but Aguilar started shooting at both of them.

Taylor managed to escape by driving off as Aguilar fired at the truck, but Nunez was shot in the leg, shattering her femur.

Nunez’s boyfriend, McKall Taylor, was concerned for her and arrived in the middle of the fight, according to the Sun. Nunez tried to leave with her, but Aguilar started shooting at both of them

Taylor managed to escape by driving off as Aguilar fired at the truck, but Nunez was shot in the leg, shattering her femur.

After wounding her and seeing her lying helpless on the ground, Aguilar fatally shot Nunez in the head. He was arrested later that evening in January.

Aguilar had pleaded guilty to all five charges: first-degree felony, aggravated murder, attempted aggravated murder, and handing over a firearm, and two counts of aggravated assault, which are a second-degree misdemeanor.

Judge Bagley handed down the maximum sentence on Monday, August 28, after Nunez’s family made heartbreaking victim impact statements.

Her sister, Rosa Nunez, said her sister’s murder was a “life sentence of suffering” for her family and said Aguilar’s actions were “inexcusable and pure evil,” according to local media.

Her other sister Mayuni Nunez told the court, as reported by the Sun, “I often have to remind myself that this nightmare is real and I’m awake, this is the reality of our lives.”

“I just want everyone to please pray for us so that we may gain the strength needed for this lifelong battle that we are in.”

Nunez’s mother Irma said her daughter didn’t deserve what Aguilar had done and it left a “huge hole” in her heart.

Judge Bagley handed down the maximum sentence on Monday, August 28, after Nunez’s family made heartbreaking victim impact statements. Her sister, Rosa Nunez, said her sister’s murder was a “life sentence of suffering” for her family and said Aguilar’s actions were “inexcusable and pure evil,” according to local media.

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