From footballer to expert to… Connoisseur of the Covid vaccine? Embarrassed MP Andrew Bridgen names Matt Le Tissier as an ‘expert’ as he demands urgent meeting with Met Police chief Sir Mark Rowley to discuss ‘deeply disturbing’ new evidence on jabs

Andrew Bridgen has called for a meeting between police and Covid-19 ‘experts’ – including ex-footballer Matt Le Tissier.

The disgraced MP, who was expelled from the Tory party for comparing the vaccine rollout to the Holocaust, made his bizarre demand for a meeting with Met Police boss Sir Mark Rowley.

In the letter posted to

The independent MP wrote that “deeply disturbing” new evidence had come to light and said it “will be revealed and discussed at the meeting.”

He said he needed a meeting room large enough for at least 20 people who could “provide evidence in their areas of expertise” to discuss the evidence of these “criminal acts.”

Disgraced MP Andrew Bridgen has called for an urgent meeting between police and Covid jab ‘experts’

One of Bridgen's experts is ex-footballer Matt Le Tissier, who has previously expressed doubts about the truth about Russian war crimes in Ukraine and the September 11 terrorist attacks.

One of Bridgen’s experts is ex-footballer Matt Le Tissier, who has previously expressed doubts about the truth about Russian war crimes in Ukraine and the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Former England and Southampton striker Le Tissier was on the list of fifteen ‘experts’.

Le Tissier has repeatedly promoted conspiracy theories about the Covid vaccine over the past three years, including that authorities are “hiding all kinds of information” about the jabs.

And the 55-year-old, who was sacked from Sky’s Soccer Saturday in 2020, has vowed to investigate whether the jabs are linked to athletes collapsing on the pitch.

In the past, Le Tissier has also claimed that the media has over-exaggerated Russian war crimes in Ukraine and questioned the legitimacy of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Bridgen’s other experts include a range of doctors, statisticians, lawyers, funeral directors, journalists and police officers, many of whom are well-known anti-vaxxers.

The North West Leicestershire MP asked Sir Mark to set aside three hours so each of his speakers could spend 10 minutes unveiling ‘deeply disturbing and damning evidence’.

Bridgen claims he contacted the independent Covid investigation team, who told him to report any suspected crime to police.

He is now an independent MP, having been suspended and later expelled from the Conservative Party after labeling the life-saving jabs “the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust”.

He joined actor and fellow anti-vaxxer Laurence Fox’s Reclaim Party, but later left the group due to a ‘difference in direction’.

Just last month, Bridgen, 59, suggested in the House of Commons that the death penalty may need to return to Britain for those involved in ‘crimes against humanity’.

He said: ‘I have always been against the death penalty on the principle that it is wrong to take a life and therefore it cannot be right for the state to take a life in revenge.

‘The events have made me reconsider my position.

“So can we have a debate about crimes against humanity and the appropriate punishment for those who perpetuate, conspire and cover up these atrocities, atrocities and crimes so serious that the ultimate punishment may be necessary?”

Commons leader Penny Mordaunt replied: ‘I don’t think (Mr Bridgen’s) incredibly subtle question is lost on anyone in this House about where he might take him.

“It is fitting that the finale of this session, which featured so many conspiracy theories, falls into the hands of the hon.

‘I would also caution him to reflect on the things that have been said about his own behaviour, what he is doing on social media, the security measures that have had to be tightened for the honorable Members in this place in the wake of some of his tweets on social media and questions in this House.”

Bridgen’s wife of seven years, opera singer Nevena, filed for divorce last month.

She claimed she and her son were left homeless by her husband after he was ‘radicalised’ by conspiracy theorists and ‘abandoned them’.

Bridgen has announced he will stand against the Conservatives at the next general election, but previously declined to call a by-election.

He recently accused the Conservatives of having a ‘socialist stench’ and called for the British to become ‘foot soldiers’ in ‘Andrew’s army’.

Experts have repeatedly shown that Covid vaccines are safe for the vast majority of people who take them.

Bridgen addressed his bizarre request for a meeting to Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley

Bridgen addressed his bizarre request for a meeting to Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley

In the first year of their deployment alone, they saved 20 million lives, and ended the crippling series of Covid lockdowns that crippled the British economy and tore families apart.

Like any medical product, needle sticks have a range of side effects that vary in how common and serious they can be.

mRNA Covid jabs, such as those made by Pfizer and Moderna, have been linked to rare reports of myocarditis – a potentially dangerous inflammation of the heart.

However, the vast majority of cases were mild and resolved on their own.

Experts later estimated that the risk of myocarditis, which can also be caused by an infection such as Covid, was greater from the virus than from the jab, meaning there was still a benefit to getting vaccinated.

The fact that Covid itself can cause myocarditis is often ignored by the anti-vaxx movement.

It is understood that blood clots caused by a rare side effect of the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine have resulted in 81 fatalities and a higher number of injuries.

For context, more than 50 million doses of the AstraZeneca jab have been used in Britain.

Such side effects occurred in the weeks after vaccination.

Claims that such side effects are responsible for a rise in deaths post-lockdown are not supported by evidence.

Instead, experts have attributed a documented rise in deaths since the pandemic to the disruption Covid caused to screening programs and Britons with potential signs of serious health problems staying away from the health service out of fear of the virus.

Ongoing problems with NHS waiting lists, ambulance delays and a general deterioration in the country’s health, such as the inexorable rise in obesity, have also been cited as factors.

The anti-vaxx movement has often latched onto a sudden collapse or notable death as possibly linked to the side effects of the Covid vaccine.

This trend of ‘sudden death’ has been thoroughly debunked by experts as having no basis in truth and condemned for speculating about people’s health.

The Metropolitan Police were contacted for comment on whether they had responded to Bridgen’s request for a meeting.