Freed pop paedophile Gary Glitter ‘is being treated like royalty’ at bail hostel


Pop pedophile Gary Glitter is being treated ‘like royalty’ by room service staff at a bail hostel, MailOnline can reveal.

Sources at the facility where the 78-year-old serial child molester was taken after being hauled out of jail under cover of darkness halfway through his 16-year sentence, said he was receiving VIP treatment at the hostel. and had not mixed with other residents.

A source said shelter staff were delivering the meals to Glitter, who has a garden that sits on a tree-lined street with about 10 schools nearby in the south of England.

There are lifers in the hostel and they are not happy that Glitter is there. He’s fine though: he’s talking to people, which is one of the things they monitor.

‘They need to see that you’re interacting with people to have a chance of being released properly.

Pop pedophile Gary Glitter, pictured, who was released from jail yesterday, is being held at a bail shelter near several schools.

The hostel is in an undisclosed location in the south of England.

The hostel is in an undisclosed location in the south of England.

‘He won’t be going anywhere outside for a few days yet.

Other people weren’t escorted here and treated like royalty the way he was. It has caused a bit of discomfort and resentment.

The shelter, in a suburban area behind electric gates, is within walking distance of no less than ten schools.

The inmates have an open-air gym, soccer goals, a smokers’ shelter and large gardens for walking, with a designated area.

Nearby residents made their feelings clear about the possibility of having a sex offender like Glitter, whose real name is Paul Gadd, among them.

“I know these people have to be placed somewhere,” a middle-aged woman told Mail Online, “but there are lots of children, playgrounds and schools in this area and it doesn’t seem like the best fit for a man.” As the.’

A playground on private property right next to Glitter’s hostel is even visible through the fence, and a child’s swing is right next to the fence.

Glitter was released in 2008 and returned to Britain, where he was jailed again in 2015 for child sexual abuse dating back to the 1970s.

Glitter was released in 2008 and returned to Britain, where he was jailed again in 2015 for child sexual abuse dating back to the 1970s.

A victim of disgraced pedophile Gary Glitter said the 'monster' remains 'a danger to society'

A victim of disgraced pedophile Gary Glitter said the ‘monster’ remains ‘a danger to society’

Other residents said the bail shelter, which is also a probation center, is a blight on their neighborhood.

‘Ex-convicts litter all the sidewalks and not long ago an elderly neighbor of ours was run over by one of them because the ex-con had scratched his face on the old man’s hedge by the sidewalk.’

Glitter, who had a string of hits in the 1970s, has reportedly refused to participate in prison sex offender treatment programs.

A source said: ‘He attended the sessions but made it quite clear that he wasn’t interested.

“He was like a naughty kid looking out the window for the whole class.

“If a dangerous sex offender refuses to commit, they surely aren’t fit to be released.”

Others wondered why Glitter was apparently accompanied by three or four police officers at his 1:30am release from HMP The Verne, in Portland, Dorset, at taxpayer expense, when he is perfectly capable of paying for his own taxi or even safety.

“Most of the prisoners are only given a bus or taxi ticket if they are lucky,” a source said. “He was given the five-star treatment, which appears to continue at the lodge.”

Lawyer Richard Scorer, representing one of Glitter’s victims, told The Sun: “If there’s one thing we know about serious sex offenders, it’s that they’re overwhelmingly likely to try to reoffend.”

“It’s almost inconceivable that he won’t and his failure to engage with these programs only reinforces that.

My client will be incredibly concerned.

‘Glitter will be subject to a number of license conditions for a period of time.

“But the system is never fail-safe and once someone is out there is always a risk.

“With someone like that, there is significant risk, and that is a very difficult thing for victims to contemplate.

‘This is a real source of concern.

“This needs to be looked at because there is a real disconnect between the way the system operates and the way it looks to victims and the risk involved.”

Glitter has been categorized as a ‘tier 3’ offender.

It means you are still seen as ‘dangerous’ and ‘capable of serious harm’ and will need senior probation staff to monitor you.

Any breach of the conditions of her license would see Glitter face an instant return to jail.

He still owns a £2 million luxury flat on the top floor in a red-brick Victorian mansion near Baker Street, London.

The vacant flat has not been in his name since he was arrested in Vietnam in 2006.

The house, which residents of the block say was empty during his incarceration, is controlled by a former associate through a company.

The embarrassed pop idol was jailed for 16 years in 2015 for sexual offenses against three girls ages eight to 13.

Because he was sentenced to a fixed term, he did not have to appear before the Parole Board.

Probation officers can block a prisoner’s release if they believe he or she still poses a risk to the public.

Glitter – was one of the UK’s biggest glam rock stars of the 1970s and a familiar face on the BBC’s chart-topping television show Top of the Pops. She had a string of hits, including three UK number 1 singles: I’m the Leader of the Gang (I Am!), I Love You Love Me Love and Always Yours.

Glitter unmasked as a pedophile after fame

November 1997 – A computer engineer discovers thousands of child pornography images on Glitter’s laptop while repairing it.

November 1999 – Glitter is jailed for four months after pleading guilty to 54 counts of taking indecent photographs of children under the age of 16.

January 2000 – After serving two months in prison, the singer is released and travels to Spain and then to Cuba.

February 2001 – Glitter has a son with Yudenia Sosa Martínez on the Caribbean island.

2002 – He is deported from Cambodia after facing sexual offense charges and moves to Thailand, before going to the Vietnamese seaside resort of Vung Tau.

March 2006 – The shamed singer is convicted of sexually abusing two Vietnamese girls, ages ten and eleven, and sentenced to three years in prison.

August 2008 – Glitter is ordered to return to the UK after spending two and a half years in jail.

October 2012 – Glitter becomes the first person to be arrested under the Metropolitan Police’s Operation Yewtree.

June 2014 – The singer is accused of eight counts of sexual crimes, which later become ten counts.

February 2015 – He is found guilty of one count of attempted rape, four counts of indecent assault and one count of sexual relations with a girl under 13 years of age. Glitter is jailed for 16 years.

February 3, 2023 – The now 78-year-old is released from HMP The Verne.

By 1975 it had sold 18 million records, but by the end of the decade it filed for bankruptcy.

He returned with his hit single Dance Me Up in 1984.

Glitter’s dramatic fall from grace began in 1997 when he took a laptop to a PC World branch in Bristol for repairs.

An engineer found child abuse images on the hard drive.

Two years later, the singer was jailed for four months after police found a total of 4,000 images in a subsequent investigation.

Glitter emigrated upon her release, before being expelled from Cambodia in 2002 amid allegations of sexual offences.

Four years later he was jailed in neighboring Vietnam for sexually abusing two girls, one of them just ten years old.

She escaped serious charges of child rape, which carried a death sentence, and returned to the UK in 2008.

He was forced to sign the sex offender register, but was arrested yet again in 2012 at his multi-million dollar home in Westminster.

Police would later describe him as a “habitual sexual predator who took advantage of the star status he was given”.

And in 2015 he was convicted of attempted rape, four counts of indecent assault and one for having sex with a girl under 13 in the 1970s and 1980s.

Handing down the sentence, Judge Alistair McCreath said he could find “no real evidence” that Glitter had atoned for his crimes.

The judge said: “It is difficult to overstate the depravity of this appalling behaviour.”

He added: “You did real and lasting harm to everyone and you did it for no other reason than to obtain sexual gratification for yourself of a totally improper kind.”

In June 2021 it was revealed that Glitter had been given the green light for freedom.

One of his child victims in Vietnam, whom he sexually abused when she was just ten years old, said at the time: “He will always be a terrible danger to girls.”

‘It’s terrifying to think that soon I could be free.

‘I still have nightmares about what he did to me.’

Glitter no longer owns the master rights to their songs, which means they no longer receive royalties.

In 2019, his song Rock and Roll Part 2 was featured in the hit movie The Joker, but the rights holders insisted he would receive no royalties.