Fox News producer who resigned for bashing Biden with ‘wannabe dictator Chyron’ broke his silence

A Fox News producer who resigned over a chyron Joe Biden described as a “wannabe dictator” has broken his silence.

Alexander McCaskill posted a photo of himself on Instagram holding a cardboard box outside the company’s New York offices.

He told his followers “today was my last day at Fox” and described his time there as a “wild 10 years.”

McCaskill is believed to have been responsible for the chyron alleging Tuesday that President Biden planned to imprison his 2024 rival, Donald Trump.

Fox had it on screen for less than 30 seconds and then apologized. has reached out to Fox News and McCaskill for comment.

A Fox News producer who resigned over a chyron Joe Biden described as a ‘wannabe dictator’ has broken his silence

Alexander McCaskill posted a photo of himself on Instagram holding a cardboard box outside the company’s New York offices

McCaskill is believed to have been responsible for the chyron alleging Tuesday that President Biden planned to imprison his 2024 rival Donald Trump

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson claimed the producer stepped down from his new show, which now airs on Twitter, on Thursday.

He did not name the producer, but The everyday beast reported that it was McCaskill, who worked with Carlson on Tucker Carlson Tonight for years.

McCaskill appeared to confirm the news of his firing on his private Instagram account in a lengthy post.

“Today was my last day at FOX. It’s been a wild 10 years and it was the best place I’ve ever worked because of the amazing people I met,” he wrote.

‘But the time has come. I asked them to let me go, and they finally did. To all my friends there: I will miss you forever.’

The controversial chryon appeared after Trump was indicted in Miami on 37 federal charges.

McCaskill was described by Carlson as “one of the most capable people in the building”

Biden appeared on the left side of a split screen and Trump stood on the right addressing his supporters in New Jersey.

“Wannabe dictator speaks at White House after his political rival is arrested,” de chyron read.

It was quickly removed and Fox issued a statement saying, “The chyron was immediately removed and addressed.”

Carlson addressed the controversy on his show, mocking his former employer for his “panic” over the wording.

Those words were up in less than 30 seconds, but the effect was immediate,” he said.

Within Fox, the women running the network panicked.

“First they scolded the producer who put the banner on the screen.

He resigned less than 24 hours later.

“He had been at Fox for over a decade — he was considered one of the most capable people in the building.

“He offered to stay for the usual two weeks, but Fox told him to clear his desk immediately.”

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, “There are probably about 787 million things I can say about this that are wrong, but I’m not going to get into it.”

The figure was a reference to the $787 million Fox paid Dominion Voting after the company sued it for libel.

Asked again if she wanted to comment, Jean-Pierre replied, “I just did.”

Tucker Carlson aired the fourth episode of ‘Tucker on Twitter’ on Thursday — this time accusing Joe Biden of acting like a dictator

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre slammed Fox News for its chyron labeling President Joe Biden a “wannabe dictator”

The chyron came in the middle of Trump’s speech from his New Jersey golf club, hours after he pleaded not guilty to federal charges.

He called it “a political persecution like something from a fascist or communist nation.”

“I did everything right and they charged me,” he lamented while surrounded by supporters back on his home field after his day with the criminal justice system.

Carlson defended McCaskill’s claim and spent the rest of his 13-minute show explaining why he thought Biden was indeed a dictator.

‘But why were they angry? If the banner on Fox was fake? Why the hysteria?,” Carlson said.

‘Lies don’t seem to hurt anyone anymore. If some cable news producer had called Joe Biden a genius or accused him of secretly being Sudanese, would anyone scream about it? Would Fox News have apologized for that? Probably not.

“But calling Joe Biden a wannabe dictator stung.”

He then began derisively listing the ways in which Biden “impossible” could be a dictator – referring to government surveillance of phones and bank accounts, and crackdowns on “peaceful protest” such as the Jan. 6 riot.

“The main reason Joe Biden isn’t a dictator in the making is because he just doesn’t fit the profile as a man,” Carlson said.

“Dictators have that look: you recognize one when you see one.

“Dictators build cults of personality around them, and they use those cults to deny the blatantly obvious.”

Carlson then compared Biden to North Korean dictator Kim Il-sung, the grandfather of the current ruler.

Kim, who ruled from 1948 until his death at age 82 in 1994, had a baseball-sized growth on his neck that the state media had to hide.

“Fortunately, nothing like this happens in our country, and it never will,” said Carlson.

Carlson compared Joe Biden to Kim Il-sung, who had a large baseball-sized growth on his neck that the state media was not allowed to mention

Saddam Hussein is shown with his sons Uday (left) and Qusay (right). The brothers were killed in a raid in Mosul in 2003: their father was hanged in 2006

“If Joe Biden ever developed a serious physical or mental ailment that was obvious to everyone, journalists would speak up.

This isn’t North Korea. We have no state media here.

“For example, if Joe Biden was unable to finish a full sentence, or mistook his sister for his wife, or suddenly started falling out in public for no reason, The New York Times would report on that and get to the bottom of what happened. has happened. really happens.

That would be a duty in a free country like ours. It’s not like they would cover it up.’

Carlson then compared Biden to former Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein.

“If Joe Biden were a dictator-to-be, he’d have the family to match — all dictators have that,” Carlson said.

Saddam Hussein had Uday and Qusay.

They were little princes who lived above the law and acted out their most decadent fantasies in complete confidence that they would never be held accountable by the police.

“As sons of a dictator, they could do whatever they wanted.

“There’s no such person around Joe Biden.”

He then showed a photo of Hunter Biden, the president’s troubled 52-year-old son, who has admitted years of drug addiction and destructive behavior and is now under investigation for tax fraud and lying about a gun license application.

“He doesn’t have any weird sex scandals in the heart of his family that no one in the media will ever talk about,” Carlson said.

‘Not at all. That’s dictator stuff.’

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