Fox News flubs obituary for Dixie Chicks founding member Laura Lynch by showing picture of still-alive CBC producer with the same name

Fox News, along with several other networks, butchered an obituary for Dixie Chicks founder Laura Lynch by accidentally using the photo of a very much alive CBC producer.

In a segment of 'FOX & Friends Weekend', co-host Will Cain announced the tragic death of upright bassist Laura Lynch, a founding member of the iconic country music group 'The Dixie Chicks'.

The segment took an unexpected turn when a photo of CBC announcer Laura Lynch, who is alive and not a professional musician, was plastered across the screen during the show.

Laura Lynch of the 'Chicks', formerly known as 'Dixie Chicks', died on Friday at the age of 65 after a head-on collision in Texas. The accident happened just outside El Paso around 5:40 p.m.

Journalist Laura Lynch, known for her work as a journalist at CBC, has no ties to 'The Dixie Chicks'.

Fox News, along with several other networks, butchered an obituary for Dixie Chicks founder Laura Lynch by accidentally using the photo of a CBC producer of the same name

“Laura Lynch, a founding member of the Dixie Chicks, who were later renamed The Chicks, has died at the age of 65,” The Daily Beast shared on X, along with the photo of the CBC producer

A prominent image was shown with a portrait of the CBC broadcaster and the incorrect dates of her 'birth' and 'death' years 1958-2023, confusing viewers

To make matters worse, a prominent image was shown depicting the CBC broadcaster and the years 1958-2023, confusing viewers.

The image remained on the air for nearly ten seconds, raising concerns among viewers online about Fox News' fact-checking procedures – with some pointing to previous instances of graphic mishaps by Fox News.

“Remember when they showed Patti LaBelle's picture when Aretha Franklin died???” one user commented.

The incident sparked both criticism and amusement among viewers online.

Another user commented on social media: “Graphics staff were a bit early…wow,” expressing his disbelief at the blunder.

A third commented: “They are just so bad at this,” accompanied by laughing emojis.

Despite the error, Fox News does not appear to have publicly addressed the error, leaving the public wondering if the network is aware of the mix-up.

The Daily Beast, the Chicago Sun-Times and Breitbart also shared obituaries with a prominent photo of the wrong Laura Lynch.

The Daily Beast, the Chicago Sun Times and Breitbart also shared obituaries with a prominent photo of the wrong Laura Lynch

“Laura Lynch, a founding member of the Dixie Chicks, who were later renamed The Chicks, has died at the age of 65,” The Daily Beast shared on X, along with the photo of the CBC producer.

The media has not yet removed the photo and it continues to appear on both social media and their websites.

In 2018, Fox News was accused of being “disrespectful” and “racist” after the network wrongly used a photo of Patti LaBelle as a tribute to Aretha Franklin.

Hours after the legendary artist's death, the news station published an obituary with an image of Franklin in the foreground and fellow artist LaBelle in the background.

Viewers quickly noticed the gaffe and posted it on social media, leading to widespread mockery of Fox News – with many critics calling the network racist.

Fox News apologized for accidentally including a photo of Patti LaBelle in a tribute to Aretha Franklin.

In 2018, Fox News was accused of being “disrespectful” and “racist” after the network accidentally used a photo of Patti LaBelle as a tribute to Aretha Franklin (Franklin pictured during a 2008 performance)

“It was our intention to honor the icon with a secondary image of her performance with Patti LaBelle in the full-screen image, but Ms. Franklin's image was blacked out during that process, which we deeply regret.”

The photo of LaBelle was taken when the 74-year-old Over The Rainbow performed during a special 'Women of Soul: In Performance at the White House' in 2014.

However, at no point during that performance did LaBelle and Franklin share the stage.

Comedian Chelsea Handler wrote, “Fox News honored Aretha Franklin by using an image featuring a photo of Patti LaBelle. It's probably hard for anyone who works at Fox News to tell black people apart because they've never worked with anyone before.”

Betsie Phillips added, “Of course Fox News found a photo of another black woman and said, yes, that's her. So disrespectful. Alsooooo WHO doesn't know Aretha Franklin? Rest in peace, queen. No more disrespect.”

The former Fox News host had trucks with signs reading “corporate media is dead” hanging outside the headquarters of major media companies on Thursday

Just last week, Tucker Carlson lashed out at major news companies, claiming that top news organizations are “dying” and “they know they're doomed.”

In an exclusive interview with, Carlson, 54, said the news networks know on some level they are “doomed.”

'They know they are doomed, and that's why they're hysterical. “The era of dominance by a few big media companies, the era of total control of all information by nine people, that's over,” Tucker said.

He recently placed billboards at the corporate offices of the NYTimes, CNN, MSNBC and the Washington Post that read “corporate media is dead” as he launched his OWN streaming service.

This week, he's launching his own streaming platform for $72 a year, called The Tucker Carlson Network.

The former Fox News host had trucks with signs reading “corporate media is dead” hanging outside the headquarters of major media companies on Thursday

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