Fox News’ Brit Hume claims Lara Trump made a ‘stupid’ campaign move


Fox News’ Brit Hume has accused Lara Trump of “political malfeasance” for criticizing a Republican Senate candidate for being disloyal to her father-in-law Donald Trump. The Republican National Committee co-chairman went after former Republican Maryland Governor and Senate candidate Larry Hogan for saying Americans should “respect” the verdict in the hush money trial.

Most Republicans claimed that Trump had been found guilty of 34 charges of falsifying company records after a “political” trial. But Hogan went against the rest of his party, sparking threats within the Republican Party that they would withdraw support from his 2024 Senate campaign. But Hume, Fox News’ chief political analyst, said Republicans backing their own candidates is a ‘political malpractice’.

“Maryland is a very blue state,” Hume said. “And Larry Hogan, who remained popular as a Republican governor and remains so to this day, gives the Republican Party the best chance it has had in a long time to elect a Republican to the Senate.” “The Lara Trumps of the world should be saying, ‘please Mr. Hogan, please Governor Hogan, you are doing what you have to do to get elected, and some of the things you say and believe in don’t agree with what I say . think, that’s okay, do what you gotta do,” Hume said.

Hume continued: ‘That is how politics is played by clever people.’ He warned that Trump’s team could repeat the same mistake made in 2020, when the ex-president “cleaned up the house” in Georgia and Republicans lost the Senate seat there.

After the historic verdict in the Trump trial was handed down, Hogan wrote on X: “Regardless of the outcome, I urge all Americans to respect the verdict and the legal process.” “At this dangerously divisive moment in our history, all leaders – regardless of party – must not add fuel to the fire with more toxic partisanship,” he continued. “We must reaffirm what made this nation great: the rule of law.”

Lara Trump and other members of the Trump campaign were not happy with his response. When asked about his post during an appearance on CNN, Lara Trump said that not only did she not support it, but suggested that the party was willing to enlist the support of a Republican candidate who could help the party win the Senate running for the Republicans.

“He doesn’t deserve the respect of anyone in the Republican Party right now, and frankly, no one in America, if that’s how you feel,” she said. “Of course we want to win as a party, but that’s a shame, and I think he should have thought long and hard before saying that publicly,” she continued as she questioned whether it was worth taking a seat at the Democrats to allow.

Lara Trump wasn’t the only backer of the former president to go after Hogan. Trump campaign adviser Chris LaCivita wrote in response to his post, “You just ended your campaign.”

The Republicans want to win back the Senate this fall from the Democrats, who currently have a one-seat majority. The GOP has a friendly electoral map to help them get there, but the addition of Hogan in Maryland boosts their chances. Hogan was a popular Republican governor in the blue state. Polls show he entered the race to replace retiring Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin, making him competitive in a state that would otherwise be a safe seat for Democrats.

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