Four Tops singer Alexander Morris reveals the staff of a Michigan hospital gave him a $25 gift card… after claiming he was ‘delusional’ and nearly forcing him into a psych evaluation

Just a day after Four Tops singer Alexander Morris filed a lawsuit against a Michigan hospital for racial discrimination, he is revealing new details about the encounter.

The 53-year-old singer revealed Wednesday that he is suing Ascension Macomb Oakland Hospital in Warren, Michigan, after they labeled him “delusional.”

When he emerged as a singer in the beloved group Four Tops (which he joined in 2018, the group’s newest member), the staff didn’t believe him and almost ordered him to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.

Now Morris adds more details in a new interview at TMZLivewhere he revealed that they offered a $25 gift card as an apology for the disturbing incident.

The incident took place in April 2023, when he showed symptoms of a heart attack, which led to the hospital visit.

Just a day after Four Tops singer Alexander Morris filed a lawsuit against a Michigan hospital for racial discrimination, he reveals new details about the encounter

The 53-year-old singer revealed Wednesday that he is suing Ascension Macomb Oakland Hospital in Warren, Michigan, after they labeled him

The 53-year-old singer revealed Wednesday that he is suing Ascension Macomb Oakland Hospital in Warren, Michigan, after they labeled him “delusional.”

Now Morris is adding more details in a new interview on TMZ Live, where he revealed that they offered a $25 gift card as an apology for the disturbing incident

Now Morris is adding more details in a new interview on TMZ Live, where he revealed that they offered a $25 gift card as an apology for the disturbing incident

“Easter weekend, my wife and I were spending time with our daughters, I got sick, called EMS,” Morris began.

“During the intake process, when I was asked about my employment, I indicated that I was one of the members of the Four Tops from Motown, and that my position within the group was as lead singer, replacing Levi Stubbs,” he said .

“Pretty quickly they wheeled me into the hallway, where I stayed for almost three hours or a little longer,” Morris continued.

He added that during those three hours he requested both oxygen and a blanket because he was cold, before the doctor arrived at the emergency room.

Morris explained that the doctor asked why he was there and he “gave him my medical history” and said they were going to get him, “evaluated.”

“They take me back to the triage room and there’s a security guard there,” Morris said, adding that he was asked to hand over his jewelry and his cell phone.

He said his wife was in the waiting room and he was going to give her the jewelry, so they went to get her, but he was surprised when he asked for his cell phone.

“I said, ‘No, I’ll keep the phone with me,’ and he said, ‘No, you put the phone in his bag.'”

“Easter weekend, my wife and I are spending time with our daughters, I got sick, called EMS,” Morris began.

“Easter weekend, my wife and I are spending time with our daughters, I got sick, called EMS,” Morris began.

“During the intake process, when I was asked about my employment, I indicated that I was one of the members of the Four Tops from Motown, and that my position within the group was as lead singer, replacing Levi Stubbs,” he said

“During the intake process, when I was asked about my employment, I indicated that I was one of the members of the Four Tops from Motown, and that my position within the group was as lead singer, replacing Levi Stubbs,” he said

“During the intake process, when I was asked about my employment, I indicated that I was one of the members of the Four Tops from Motown, and that my position within the group was as lead singer, replacing Levi Stubbs,” he said

“During the intake process, when I was asked about my employment, I indicated that I was one of the members of the Four Tops from Motown, and that my position within the group was as lead singer, replacing Levi Stubbs,” he said

Morris told him, “I’ve been in the hospital enough times and no one has ever taken my cell phone.”

The guard told him, “You’ll get all your stuff back when you get back from the psychological evaluation,” as Morris admitted he was “thrown off” when he said the psychological evaluation.

‘I honestly thought they had confused me with another patient. And then it kind of dawned on me, and about this time my wife came into the room and I waved her over. I said, “These people think I’m delusional because I said I’m a Four Top.”

He asked the guard if he could show him something, but he said to him: “You have nothing, do I want to see or do I need to see.”

He added that he went to put on a regular hospital gown after taking off his clothes, but instead they took it off and put him in a “prison gown,” essentially a straitjacket, which went from his shoulders to just above his ankles reaches.

Morris eventually asked a nurse to show her something, and he showed her a video of him singing at the Grammys in tribute to Smokey Robinson and Berry Gordy.

“She says, ‘Oh my God. Oh my God. That’s really you. That’s you,’ and she races through the emergency room,” he says, and a few minutes later she came back with a doctor, who was very apologized. .

‘Mr. Morris, Mr. Morris… you don’t need… I canceled the psychological evaluation, you don’t need that, I canceled it, we’ll take you out of that dress, pick you up in a regular dress and in another room,” Morris said.

He added that he was in that hospital for five days and that he

He added that he was in that hospital for five days and that he “had to fight to get them to bring someone in authority so that I could even file a complaint.”

He added that he spent five days in that hospital and that he “had to fight to get them to bring someone in authority so that I could even file a complaint.”

Morris also said that when he asked for a copy of the complaint, he was told that patients were not given copies of the complaints.

He added that the nurse turned to her and said, “We would like to give you something, from us to you, for the accident, miscommunication or misinformation that was received.” We just want to give you something, just a sign to let you know that everything is okay. And then she gave me a $25 gift card to Meijer’s.”

He concluded with: ‘It doesn’t matter what someone’s color, religion, nationality, ethnicity, orientation or whatever is. A human life is worth more than $25. I don’t care if the person is homeless, has status in the community or has no status at all.’