Four dead, 29 injured in Brazil youth team bus accident


Four are killed and 29 injured when a bus carrying a youth soccer team returning from winning a tournament plunges 32 feet from a bridge in Brazil after the driver ‘lost control’

  • The bus was carrying the Esporte Clube Vila Maria Helena team back home
  • They had been playing in a youth soccer tournament in Ubaporanga, Brazil.
  • Bus driver ‘lost control’ and vehicle overturned as it fell 32 feet into a creek

Four people have died after a bus carrying the Esporte Clube Vila Maria Helena soccer team fell 32 feet from a bridge in Brazil.

Another 29 people were injured in the horrifying accident in Além Paraíba, in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais.

The victims include three adolescents, between the ages of 14 and 17, and one adult, a Brazilian. G1 website informed.

Four people were killed and 29 injured when a bus carrying a youth soccer team fell off a bridge into a stream and overturned.

The bus was carrying the Esporte Clube Vila Maria Helena youth soccer team back home

The bus was carrying the Esporte Clube Vila Maria Helena youth soccer team back home

The bus driver lost control while crossing the bridge over BR-116 and the vehicle fell upside down in a stream.

The soccer team was traveling back to their hometown of Duque de Caxias from Ubaporanga, where they were playing Simonesia in a tournament.

Twenty-four of the injured were taken to the Sao Salvador Hospital, while another five received care at the Casa de Caridade Leopoldinense in Leopoldina.

The Sao Salvador Hospital reported that one of those treated was 19 years old and others were under 18.

‘Some patients are being discharged and are giving testimony to the Civil Police. Five patients need special care, three in the Intensive Care Unit and two in the intermediate unit,’ read a statement.

The team had been successful in the Ubaporanga tournament and was returning home.

The team had been successful in the Ubaporanga tournament and was returning home.

Soccer cones could be seen in the wreckage of the bus after the accident.

Soccer cones could be seen in the wreckage of the bus after the accident.

A survivor of the accident said that the accident occurred

A survivor of the crash said the crash happened “very fast, while everyone was sleeping.”

The soccer team had won the under-18 category in the tournament and was runner-up in the under-16 category.

A 16-year-old survivor told TV Integracao: ‘Everyone was happy to win the title and unfortunately that happened. it was very fast. Everyone was sleeping.

The bus company, LG Turismo, said in a statement: ‘We make ourselves available to provide all the necessary support to the competent bodies, passengers and their families.

We are registered with the ANTT [National Land Transport Agency] and the passenger list contains 31 passengers plus the driver. We are currently awaiting further information from the local PRF and company employees are already on their way to follow up.